chapter 8

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I sat down by the lake and just stared into the void. Into nothingness, that's what my life is full of now. I had been broken, to many times. I don't know if I'll ever come back.

Days went by where I didn't move. I felt people come and sit with me. I didn't move or speak to anyone. "John I'm worried about her. I know you are the only one that can get through to her," Arthur said.

"What happened?" John asked.

"I think she was raped," Arthur said quietly.

"Sean?" John asked.

"No, not by Sean. He is eating himself up over this," Arthur said.

"Jesus," John said. "Just keep Abigail away."

"Fine," Arthur said.

John sat down beside. "Hey," John said.


"You're safe here," John said.

Tear rolled down my face. I shook my head.

"Nobody here is gonna hurt you," John said.

"You left, mom died, dad wanted me dead, Issac and Liza died. I have nobody," I said softly. "Everything every bit of happiness I have gets destroyed."

"I'm here Emily. I will always be your friend. Nothing or nobody is gonna change that. I left because I thought it would be easier for you. I came back for you," he said. "Talk to me Emily. Who did this to you?"

"I can't, he is protected. It doesn't matter," I said.

"Of course it matters Emily. It matter to me, to Arthur, to Sean," John said.

"Nobody can touch him," I said.

John sighed and pulled me into his arms wiping away my tears. He whispers, "it was Micah wasn't it?" He asked.

I cried harder. I knew he now knew the truth. Arthur watched. He saw me talking. Sean saw it too. "Thanks John," Sean said.

Sean took me from John and carried me to my bed. He held me. "Arthur we need to talk," John said.

Arthur walked over to where John was sitting. "We have a problem," John said looking around to make sure nobody was listening.

"Just tell me," Arthur said.

"I think it was Micah. She said he is protected. And that nobody can touch him. It has to be him right?" John asked.

"Damn it, this ain't good," Arthur said. "If it is him then there isn't anything we can do. Dutch won't hear anything bad about the man. So yeah damn it. When things start looking up for her something always happens to knock her down. Shit. What kind of brother am I?"

"Arthur you've saved her, her whole life. Maybe she needs to get out of here for a while. Get on her feet," John said. "Get her away from him."

"I'll think on it John," Arthur said.

John nodded his head and looked over at Sean holding me while I cried. He had never felt so lost before. "Arthur what's going on?" Karen asked.

"Come with me, I can't talk here," Arthur said as Micah started to walk past.

"Hey Arthur," Micah said.

Arthur only nodded and walked toward the lake with Karen. "Stay away from Micah. I have reason to believe he is the one that hurt Emily," Arthur said.

"What makes you think that?" She asked.

"She told John, nobody could touch him, and that he is protected," Arthur said.

Karen sighed. "Sounds about right," she said. "He is always hitting on us girls but with Emily, he watches her day and night. When Sean left with her the other night Micah wasn't to far behind. Sean came back alone, then Micah came back with a smug grin on his ugly face."

"And Dutch won't listen to anyone saying anything bad about Micah. I'm sure you've noticed," Arthur said.

Karen only nodded. "I'll sit with her when you can't Arthur. She needs to know she is safe and we are looking out for her. Also talk to Sean he blames himself for this," she said.

"I will thanks Karen," Arthur said.

Sean rubbed my arms and kept telling me I was safe. I wasn't to blame. It wasn't my fault but I still felt guilty. I still felt ashamed, dirty, and alone. Though I knew they cared, I wanted to scream, how could Dutch have brought a rapist into our gang. I wanted to know why he was so loved.

I fell asleep in Sean's arms. "Sean," Arthur said. "I know she is asleep but I know you feel guilty. You didn't do anything wrong. I know that this is bothering you too. I just want you to know that nobody blames you for anything. I know you've been a light to my sister. And I am and always will be thankful for that. Thank you for being her for her now."

"I'm not going anywhere Arthur. I love her ya know. She doesn't want or expect much from me. I like Karen but I love Emily. I would give her everything if she only asks," Sean said. "I've loved her from the start."

"When John left you saw how depressed she became. And Abigail didn't help matters none, blaming her for John's leaving, when it was her own fault. Hell you were here. Anyway I think Abigail now feels guilty about what she did," Arthur said. "I think she loves you too Sean. I think she is scared you are gonna leave her like John did."

"Tanks Arthur," Sean said laying his head down beside mine.

"Get some sleep," Arthur said. "I'll keep watch."

"How is she?" Charles asked.

"I don't know and that scares me, Charles. She spoke a little bit to John and then started crying. She cried herself to sleep in Sean's arms," Arthur nodded at her tent.

"Did she say who it was?" Charles asked.

"Not in so many words," Arthur said. "Just that he is protected and nobody can touch him."

"You don't think," Charles started.

"That's exactly what I think," Arthur said. "I don't want her alone with him. Period. So  please if you see that's gonna happen tag along if I'm not here. I'd ask John but that's a while other issue."

"What's the story there?"Charles asked.

"John was her first love. Then he took off on her," Arthur said. "It's a long story."

"I understand," Charles said. "Arthur you need to rest too."

"I've got it for now. I'll get some sleep in the morning, Hosea doesn't have anything planned tomorrow," Arthur said.

"Alright let me know if I can help," Charles said.

"Thanks," Arthur said.

The next week Arthur, Charles, Sean, Karen, Tilly, and Marybeth all took turns sitting with me. Though Sean say with me the most. John kept an watchful eye on Micah. Making sure he never made his way to me.

The next couple of weeks Dutch and Micah had finalized their plans for the ferry in Blackwater. I knew what was expected of me. I along with Charles had rode into Blackwater the day before the ferry job and sat up the rifles I would use to help defend them.

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