chapter 7

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I hunted a couple deer and put them on my horse and walked back to camp. Arthur and John had went back. Bill and Arthur grabbed the deer and carried them to Pearson. "Thank you Dot," Pearson said.

Arthur had Sean talking to him and I walked over. "Arthur, don't be giving Sean a hard time," I said.

"He ain't lass," Sean said pulling me to him so I sit down on his lap.

Arthur sighed. "Just remember what I said," Arthur said getting up.

"What did he say to you?" I asked.

"Jus dat he only wans you 'appy," Sean said. "And dat John can deal wit dis."

Sean brushed my hair off my shoulder and saw the hickey he had left and started sucking on the spot again. "If you don't behave we may have to get out of here for a while," I said.

"Dunna promise me wif a good time,"he said moving me where I could feel his hard on.

"Let's go," I said.

"Where to?" He asked.

"I know of an abandoned house about a mile from here," I said.

We quickly walked to the horses and he pulled me onto his without a second thought. "Let's go," I said.

The ride was short. When we got the Sean helped me down and grabbed his bedroll. We went inside kicking the door shut behind us.  He laid the bedroll down and quickly undressed me leaving sloppy kissed everywhere. When I was naked he told me to lay down. I laid down and watched him, as he undressed. He lowered himself beside me. He kissed me hard, grabbing my hips he sat me on top of him. I felt him enter me roughly.

With Sean it wasn't about foreplay, we screwed like rabbits. It didn't matter when or where most of the time we would slip away from camp. We decided to carry on, I didn't want a commitment and Sean didn't either. I was glad.

The next year passed and Javier, Charles, Lenny, Jenny, Marybeth, and lastly Micah came. I was on again off again with Sean. When we were not together he would be with Karen. When they weren't together he would be with me, I don't know it just worked.

Javier helped to lift my moods on my off days, joking around and flirting with me. Lenny was kind and shy but he really had a thing for Jenny. Marybeth had a thing for my brother for a while but she never acted on it. Charles taught me to hunt with a bow and helped me learn to track faster.

Micah on the other hand was something else. He was so mean only Dutch trusted him. He would come sit close to me when he had a chance. "So tell me, what is a pretty little thing like you doing in this gang?" He asked.

"I've been here since I was about 3. I don't know any other life," I said.

"Bet you can't even shot a gun," he said.

"That's a bet you'd lose Micah," Arthur said.

"OH yeah," Micah said.

"They call her Dead Eye Dorothy," John said.

"That's you," Micah said. "You killed my damned cousin!" He yelled and raised his hand up to hit me.

I was quicker and shot the end of his cigarette off. "If I shot and killed your cousin there had to have been a reason why. I don't shoot unless I have a reason, and boy I don't miss," I said.

"Get back here," he called.

"What did your cousin do?" I asked.

"He robbed a homestead in New Hanover," he said.

"Yeah well that bastard killed a baby! One that I loved dearly! So he had it coming! It took on shot to kill him where as the baby he killed was shot to high heaven," I said.

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