Chapter 13

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We made it to Clemens Cove early the next morning. Charles lead us in as Arthur waited to welcome us to the new camp.

I sat in the back of the wagon as per Miss Grimshaw's orders. I wasn't to lift a finger until I was healed. I sighed and did what I was told. Sean waited on me hand and foot. Though I still had the sick feeling on my stomach at least a couple times of day.

Sean took me to the doctor in Saint Dennis.
The doctor ran tests and told us to come back in a couple weeks. "Yes sir," I said.

Sean walked out smiling. "Yer pregnant," he said.

"What that's not what he said" I said.

"Emily we been married three months yer haven't had your lady time once," he said.

"Your right but it could be the stress I've been under," I said.

"Nope," Sean said. "Yer pregnant."

"Do you even want kids?" I asked.

"With yer I want the world," he said.

I laughed. "Well if I am I'm glad you ate happy about it. Before we got married I never thought I wanted children of my own," I said.

"Well it to late for dat," Sean said wrapping me up in a hug.

"We can't say anything until we know for sure," I said.

"I'm gonna sing it from da roof tops," Sean said laughing he spun me around.

"We just gotta wait a couple weeks," I said.

"Den we will know for sure,"he said. "But I already know."

I laughed. Together we walked to the small restaurant and ordered something to eat before leaving town to go back to Clemens Cove. I felt someone watching me but shrugged it off.

I started to eat the grilled chicken and the macaroni and cheese. Sean had gotten the same and we ate and talked. "If it's a boy how about the name Sean Arthur?" Sean asked.

"I like that and if it's a girl," I asked.

"How about the name Bonnie Michelle?" he said.

"How about Lillianne Michelle, after our mothers?" I asked.

"I love it," Sean said.

"Good then we've settled on the names," I said. "How many children do you want?"

"I wanna a bunch," he said.

"How many is a bunch?" I asked.

"Five maybe six," Sean said.

"Alright," I said. "Anything for you."

Sean's eyes lit up. "I love yer," he said taking my hand and kissing it.

I was happy. I just hope the doctor could give us good news when we come back. We finished eating and we rode back to camp.
"So what did the doctor say?" Arthur asked.

"Nothing yet, he ran some tests. Told us to come back in two weeks," I said.

"Sean, what you smiling about?" Arthur asked.

"Sean, don't," I said.

"Awe come on he has to know something," Arthur said.

"She is pregnant," Sean blurted put.

"Well the doctor hasn't confirmed it yet," I said. "Sean thinks I am."

"She hasn't had her ladies days since we were married," Sean said.

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