chapter 4

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Arthur and I stayed away from camp for a week. I just needed to clear my head. We talked about everything except Liza and Issac.  I never cared for Mary but she made my brother somewhat happy so I kept it to myself. Arthur has been a great big brother to me.

He tried to keep me safe and happy all his life has been focused on me. Everything he had done was to keep me safe. He raised me from just a few months old. I was proud to call him my big brother.

We went back to camp after a week and I had asked Miss Grimshaw to move my tent closer to the front of the camp closer to Pearson's wagon. I wanted to be as far away from John as I could get.

I would need time before I could let myself be happy again. Things between John and I were pretty much over because of Abigail. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey from Bill's tent and sat down by the lake. I drank and just watched the waves.

Sean came over. "So you grabbing the good stuff now," he said.

"Haha, I just have a lot on my mind and I'm drinking to forget," I said.

"Forget what?" He asked.

"First kisses, first loves, first times," I said.

"I understand that," he said. "You know my gal cheated on me wif' my brodder." (I am spelling this way because of his accent.)

"Better than a prostitute that has slept with almost everyone here. She had to sleep with someone who was seeing someone," I said taking a swallow of the whiskey.

Sean grabbed the bottle," Love sucks!" He said taking a swallow himself.

"Come on let's not let this get yer down," he said. "Come dance wif me."

He pulled me up and we danced. He made me laugh which is something I haven't done in over a year. We cut up and wound up in his tent making out, before we passed out.

I woke laying on Sean's chest. He had his arms wrapped around me. I moaned, because my head was pounding. He pulled me closer and kissed my head. "Yer feeling like I feel," he said.

"Like death," I said and leaned my head against his chest.

I wanted to go back to sleep. "Come on lass," he said and sat up.

"No," I whined.

"Come on can't stay ere," he said. "Let us go scouting. "

"Yeah give me a few," I said.

I walked out of his tent and over to mine. John watched me. "So is this what you've been doing since I've been gone?" John accused me.

"So what if it is? It ain't like you gave a damned about leaving," I said.

"I came back to fix things with you," he said. "To find you moved on with someone else."

"Fuck you John," I said. "I didn't move on until you made your way back and into her bed. And nothing happened besides some kissing we were both to drunk. If you must know I've only slept with you!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch us. "I don't go around sleeping with every man here unlike Abigail. So you want to accuse someone don't come at me. Because John I will call your bullshit! I've known you since you were 14 so I know you better than everyone or I thought I did!"I said and walked over to Pearson.

"Miss Morgan," Pearson said.

"Do you have anything for a hangover?" I asked.

"Sure," he said and pour me something in a cup of coffee and gave me a pain pill.

"Thanks Pearson," I said.

"Anytime Miss Morgan," he said.

I walked toward Sean. "You ready?" I asked.

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