chapter 9

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I took my place hours before the gang would board the boat. I watched for the signal to know when they were aboard. I saw the reflection of the mirror and knew I needed to watch through my scope. I saw something that confirmed my greatest fears. Pinkertons. I couldn't warn them without giving myself way.

I knew if I did that innocent lives would be at risk, if I didn't my family would be at risk. I flashed a light back toward the ship and hoped to get someone's attention. I saw Charles wave.

I sighed and pointed my gun. Soon the gunfight broke out. I had killed at least fifteen Pinkertons. I saw my chance to make my escape. I took it. I stored the gun in the saddle and jumped on my horse and rode the opposite direction. I had him in a lazy trot. Trying not to draw attention to myself. I made my way out of Blackwater when things went to hell.

I heard screams, saw flames, and heard more shots. Damn it. This wasn't supposed to happen, it was supposed to be an easy job. I had everything planned. I grabbed my gun and ran into Arthur.

"Em, get the hell out of here. Go back to camp and tell them to start packing!" Arthur told me.

I handed Arthur my gun. "Be careful," I said.

He nodded and I rode back to camp. "Miss Grimshaw, ladies, Mr Pearson get to packing now! The job went south! We've got to be ready," I said.

"Where will we go?" Miss Grimshaw asked.

"I don't know, for now get packing," I said walking over to Arthur's wagon. I started packing and putting everything of his in the back of the wagon. I tent went to my tent and started packing my things. I took my tent down and started working on the other tents. I put Bill's things in his trunk. I loaded it up on the back of a wagon. Pearson was loading his wagon and Miss Grimshaw worked on getting Dutch's thing packed. The girls packed their stuff and was each working on the other stuff.

Abigail worked on hers and John's things. She was slower than the rest of us because of the baby. I walked over. "Give me, Jack so you can pack," I said.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Look I may not like you but because of the boy your family so I promise you I'll watch him while you handle your things," I said.

A couple hours passed and the gang started coming back in. Dutch looked over at me. "Good job," he said.

"Arthur told me to leave and to get everyone packing," I said.

Dutch nodded."You did the right thing," he said. "I sent Arthur, Micah, and John all up the mountain to scout for us."

I nodded. "That's good. Ladies get your winter gear," I called out.

Dutch nodded and we waited a nother couple hours as the rest of the gang came back. I was looking for Sean. I didn't see him. Charles came back with Davey who had been shot in the chest. "Abigail," Dutch called.

Abigail went to work on Davey. "Load him in the back of the wagon. Javier and Hosea were back shaken but fine. Bill, and Lenny came back. "The Pinkertons got Sean, and Mac," Bill said.

"Damn it," I said.

"We will get him back Emily," Bill said.

"Thanks, I needed to hear that," I said and hugged the rugged man.

He nodded. "You pack my things?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Thank you," he said.

Dutch yelled, "Load up!"

Abigail looked over. "Go with Davey, Jack will be safe with us," I said picking Jack up I put him in with Tilly. I climbed up beside Hosea. Bill climbed in beside me. I was a squeeze but when we got up into the mountains we would be glad for the body heat. Hosea drove the wagon following Dutch, and Molly, with Abigail and Davey in the back.

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