(5) That Coin

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Just because of the recent four deaths that occured, everyone is more aware and careful of their surroundings. All for the wrong reasons.

Muichiro was taken into the butterfly mansion by Kanao. But of course, Kanao made that decision with the coin, to see if she would take him in or let Kanae do it. Even though Tanjiro encouraged her to make her own decisions, she sometimes can't make them.

And that annoys Muichiro.

"Judging by your injuries, you'll be staying here for 6 months." Kanao says to Muichiro. "Damn.." Muichiro thinks.

Just then, Kanao goes outside to look into the distance and rethink life. It's just what she does daily. Muichiro has made a little hide-out just near the butterfly mansion, covered by bushes and huge rocks (this will become important later on). Kanao forgot to lock the door, so he follows her seconds after.

He goes into the hide-out and takes out his notepad and pen, he then crosses out 'Shinobu'. While menacingly staring at Kanao, with thoughts behind his eyes..



Kanao quickly turns her head to the bushes. She then slowly stands up and walks over to the nearest bushes, which coincidentally, is where Muichiro is.

A cyan streak of hair catches her attention quickly and she looks into the bush.
"...You're not supposed to be here.." Kanao says to Muichiro.

"Oh fuck I'm screwed." Muichiro thinks. Just then, Kanao grabs Muichiro by his hair. "HEY WAIT WHAT?!" Kanao starts to drag him back into the butterfly mansion. He silently cries, and the notepad and pen is away from his grasp.

He's thrown back onto the bed. "It'll make your injuries worse if you sneak out." Kanao exclaims.

She walks out of the room and LOCKS the door. Suddenly, her eyes catch sight of a notepad and a pen. But, her decision making is ass as hell so she gets her coin and flips it.

Heads : pick it up
Tails : leave it alone

It lands on heads.
She goes to pick up the notepad and sees..

(the underlined means it's crossed out)

"T-that's all the people that have died.." Kanao thinks. She remembered that Muichiro was holding the notepad before, maybe he wrote it. "Am... I next?" Her mind keeps thinking ungodly thoughts.

"No... maybe it's just a coincidence.." She thinks again. She then drops the notepad and goes to the bench to take her mind off of the situation.

"She knows too much."

Muichiro takes out a lockpick he stole from somewhere or someone and drags himself to the locked door. He proceeds to use the lockpick.


The door opens wide.

He drags himself over to the outside area, trying to be as sneaky as possible. Kanao can be seen just contemplating life itself (she's thinking about the economic and political state of the world).


Kanao gets startled. She quickly gets her coin and flips it fastly.

Heads : don't check it
Tails : check it

It lands on tails.

She walks over to the same bushes she found Muichiro in. "Is it a bug?" She thinks. Surely it couldn't be Muichiro again. She looks deeper and deeper inside (that wasn't intended but.. 😏😏). In the end, she can't find anything. "Maybe it's just my imagination." She thinks again. But in the blink of an eye, as soon as Kanao turns around...


Kanao falls on the ground, her back legs bleeding heavily. "W-What?!!" Kanao shouts out. She tries to look down to see her injury,

when someone grasps her hair.

She's dragged into the bushes.

Her gaze meets upon Muichiro's blue eyes. "Let's make this quick." Muichiro says quietly. Kanao tries to reach for her coin, but Muichiro stops her.

"No fucking coin." He demands.

He proceeds to make major cuts on Kanao's body with his katana. Kanao makes no sound, but silently screams in pain.

After about 5 minutes of complete torture, she's thrown out of the hideout, super close to death. She slowly reaches for her coin and flips it.

Heads : go to aoi for help
Tails : just let yourself die

It lands on heads.

She drags herself over to where Aoi is, setting up something in the butterfly mansion. As soon as she is seen by Aoi, she completely freaks out. "KANAO!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Aoi shouts. "Don't worry, I'll save you!" She gets her supplies and tries to stop the bleeding, but it just keeps bleeding.

But despite all of the help being done..

Kanao's body stops moving.

made by gayd0tc0m

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