(7) Flame Extinguisher

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english class be boring asf (other part was made in history)

For what happened to Aoi, it seems that Kanae is the only full-time person to be taking care of Muichiro in the butterfly mansion. But there could be other hashira that are willing to help too.

Muichiro is back in his bed, when he hears the door open. Then footsteps. And then the door opens again.

He sees Sanemi, looking quite the same as any other day. "Hey Mui." Sanemi says. Muichiro stays silent. "Mamacita told me to check up on you. I never wanted to see you anyways." Sanemi says with a sneering tone.

"...Who's mamacita?..." Muichiro quietly says. Sanemi slightly flinches at those words. "It's my mamacita Kanae." Sanemi replies.

"That's a dumb couple name." Muichiro says. Sanemi's expression goes to slight anger. "It's not like YOU know anything about that anyways." He says before going outside.
(btw kanae is in a different room but she's still there)

While Muichiro is hoping that Sanemi will see what happened to Aoi, he gets out his notepad and pen from his uniform. He flips to the page where all of the names are listed. He counts them aimlessly, counting 6. "It's even better that no one suspects me." He thinks.

He then writes another name, knowing that he has planned all of these deaths for the whole time he has been a hashira.


Suddenly, Muichiro hears loud footsteps coming towards the room. He quickly hides the notepad and pen back in his uniform. Sanemi appears, shocked for his life.


He then storms out of the butterfly mansion, probably going to tell the other hashira. Kanae then can be seen. "What on earth happened just now?" She asks.

"Apparently a butterfly girl is dead. I don't know where though." Muichiro replies. "That's silly...or maybe not. I'll go check outside incase." Kanae says, before rushing to the outside area.


After looking for a body somewhere, Kanae decides to look into a pile of bushes. Suddenly, a bleeding out body of Aoi is seen, with Rengoku's katana also seen. Kanae is literally traumatised for her life, letting out a scream for everyone to hear.

"Guess she found it." Muichiro thinks. He then looks out the window to see all of the remaining hashiras approaching the butterfly mansion.

Sanemi seems to be leading the way. They arrive at the hideout, with Kanae crying her eyes out, but everytime she looks up, she sees the body and starts crying again.

"What another poor soul..." Gyomei prays, facing the wrong direction again. It would be useless to make him face the right way, so everyone gave up on him.

"So the butterfly bitch is dead but," Sanemi says as he picks up the bloody katana. "Why is there Rengoku's katana here?"

"WHAT" Rengoku shouts out. Everyone turns to look at him.

"I would never do that!!!! Someone stole my katana!!!!" He shouts out again.

"But the murder happened in Mui's hideout. Did YOUR flashy self try to BLAME THIS ON MUICHIRO??!!" Uzui dramatically says. Everyone gasps like they just got terribly offended. Kanae turns her gaze.

"How could you do that?! Muichiro is innocent! He would never hurt a human!"

"NO!!! I AM INNOCENT TOO!!!!!!!" Rengoku shouts for his life. "Come follow us." Uzui demands.

"But what about Muichiro???" Sanemi exclaims. "He's going to stay here since both of his legs are broken." Kanae replies.
"Hell fuck no I'm not staying here." Muichiro thinks, knowing that he heard the whole conversation.

As soon as everyone was gone to go to the Corps meeting, Muichiro followed too, effortlessly dragging himself to a hidden spot.

"Rengoku, please step forward." Kagaya demands. "Yes, master." Rengoku says calmly, stepping forward. But then a thought comes across his mind.

"This is exactly how Shinobu was executed!!"

"You are being publicly executed for killing an innocent human." Kagaya says. "But master, I didn't do it-"

Uzui steps forward and pushes Rengoku to the ground. "This will be the flashiest death yet!" He says loudly, pulling his katana out.

"WAIT NO!!! I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THI-" Rengoku's last words before Uzui stabs him in the stomach.

But Uzui wants to make it even flashier.

He twists. and twists, and twists. Until a round circle is made into Rengoku's stomach, instantly killing him.

"Bro looks like a donut" Muichiro thinks.

While Muichiro is hiding, he thinks it would be best to do it now. He takes out the notepad and pen and crosses out Rengoku's name. But then he thinks for a moment. Who should he target next? It will be hard now to find targets, and it would be best to save the strongest ones for last.

A name comes to his head.

But he might have to wait for a bit. Since after all...

All of these deaths,
Obanai's death,
Mitsuri's gruesome death,
Giyu's undeserved demise (i bet he wanted it to happen tho),
Shinobu's demise,
Kanao's thoughtful death,
Aoi's death,
and recently Rengoku's donut death,

all happened in the time span of 4 hours.

made by gayd0tc0m

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