Chapter 2

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A day had passed and Dream felt really unwell. He had already thrown up twice in the corner of his cell and the smell was unbelievably bad. He was sweating from the food poisoning but at this point, he didn't care. Dream was just finishing throwing up for the third time when Nightmare approached the cell.

* Seeing you suffer brings me joy.

Dream turned to face Nightmare, glaring at him.

* Eventually, that golden apple inside of you will become so corrupt, and I would've won this war.

Dream was about to say something again when he felt like throwing up again. He gagged and Nightmare simply smirked as he threw up again. He still didn't know how to react to all this.

* Do want...

Dream fell to the floor as he felt so weak.

* You seem so tired, Dream. Maybe you should - oh I dunno - go to sleep...

Dream felt the aura in the cell become a tiring one.

* N-No..

He tried to stay awake but Nightmare's magic was stronger.

* P-Please...don't...

He fell asleep.

After Midnight...

Dream opened his eyes. He knew he was still asleep based on the fact that he wasn't in the cell anymore.


The sound of Blue's yelling immediately caught guys attention. He realised he was in Snow din, and Blue was running towards his brother, trying to save him from the evil Sanses. Dream wanted to help but he felt frozen in his place. There was a tentacle firm around his waist.

* They can't see me, but they can see you, allowing everything bad to take place.

Dream turned his head towards Blue again, he was being held only to watch his brother get beaten up.


Papyrus put his hand out only for it to the brown and crushed by Horror's axe.


Blue cried for Dream and all he could do was watch the negativity spread around the timeline.

But it still went on. Nightmare's gang eventually left, leaving Blue to cry while seeing his brother's dust. Dream was let go. He felt too bad to approach Blue but he had no choice.

* B-Blue this is all a dr-


Dream went silent.

* I lost the person I cared about the most...y-you could've saved him..

* I'm so sorry Blue, but I-

* Don't talk to me ever again. I hate you.

Hate. The exact opposite of Dream. It felt like a sharp knife had stabbed his soul deep. Blue continued to sob, looking at his brother's dust.

Dream woke up.

He was in a pool of tears and remained there until morning when it had all dried up. Once the sunlight shone through the cell window, Dream stood up and waited for his food. Dust brought it instead of Cross.

* Cross told me what happened yesterday, so I don't want the same thing to repeat or you'll get the beating of your life.

He handed Dream a plate of toast, a small bowl of butter and a knife. Dust walked off.

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