Chapter 4

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* I won't ask again.

A tentacle grabbed Dream's hand and turned him around, standing him up.

* I'm giving you one last chance.

Dream remained silent, his eyes were shaking in terror and fear. He felt his arm break from Nightmare's force.

* OW-OW- N-Nightmare-!!!

Before he could move he was teleported with Nightmare and forced locked into an electricity chair. He cast a spell and the rest of his gang came into the room. Dream didn't look at Cross, he couldn't expose him like that.

* I know one of you gave him a phone.

* Someone gave that bitch a phone!?

* Shut up Killer. Since I know none of you will confess, each of you will take turns turning the dial to make him suffer. I'll know who it is from that.

Cross's face was unfazed.

Horror stepped up first.

* P-Please d-don't-

He turned the dial halfway,  Dream's eyes widening as he was shocked. It went on for a few minutes before Horror turned it back down. Dream was gasping...but that wasn't the worst pain he had experienced.

* Dust.

He didn't hesitate, dialling it higher than Horror's, and Killer's was even higher. Dream was struggling to stay conscious by then...he was begging for it to stop.

* Cross, it's your turn.

Cross glared at everyone before approaching the dial. He slowly began to turn it, and didn't stop, Dream screaming louder and louder. It was not until the dial could not go any further when Cross stopped.


Dream was slowly losing consciousness. He didn't want to sleep...he didn't want to pass out. Nightmare turn the dial back to zero and Dream closed his eyes slowly but surely.

Dream was in a dr- Nightmare.
But much worse.

He hesitantly opened his eyes, seeing he was in a blank void. He blinked and ended up in his original timeline.

* Nightmare, I didn't tell them anything...I swear!

* Dream why would you do this. Haven't you watched me suffer enough?!

* I didn't tell them!

* Don't talk to me.

Dream watched his younger self argue with Nightmare. He blinked again and another scenario appeared. Villagers were approaching Nightmare. He'd never had a dream on this one..?

* St-stay back!

Nightmare's back was against the tree. The villagers smirked.

"Awwww...what are you going to do about it? Get your brother..~?" One mocked Nightmare.

He watched his brother get beaten up, yet Nightmare still did everything in his power to make sure they didn't grab a golden apple. Nightmare was beaten, and thrown, and broken...yet he never told Dream. He simply put bandages on and acted like nothing happened. Dream could only watch like a ghost. This was all his fault...

He watched the new Memory fade and another memory came up.

Dream knew this one all too well.

* Let me GO!

"Not so fast little sunlight..." One of the monsters knocked Dream to the ground with a baseball bat.

Dream needed to wake up, he couldn't see this again...he couldn't do this anymore. He couldn't see this bad dream anymore. He fell to his knees and started screaming for Nightmare to wake him up.


He heard his own blood curling screen of the pass and couldn't take it anymore. He swore not to show Nightmare this, and he still didn't know. Even though he didn't believe it...Dream did try everything to get the village to leave Nightmare alone.

But he could heal his wounds.


He woke up suddenly, his eye lights shaking incredibly fast. The usual golden glow has turned a dark golden...a corrupt gold. Dream tried to snap out of the face but his vision was blurred. He was with in the middle between a dream and consciousness. He tried moving but he was in a night terror.

He felt like everything was crushing down before him. The pressure increased on his chest.

Dream began to scream louder, it felt cold...his scream filled further corners of the castle, waking everybody up instantly. The tears poured down his face as he struggled to move, the negativity practically drowning him.

He had nothing left.

Meanwhile, in Nightmare's room...

* Boss how about-

They all heard the scream and they froze. Killer's eyes widened and Cross dropped his cup. Nightmare's soul was beating fast and hard.

The screaming stopped and before they could take another breath, a strong, painful wave of fierce negativity pierced their souls.

Nightmare couldn't take that scream off his mind.

* Boss should we-

* No.

The gang started at Nightmare in confusion and shock. All things aside, that scream was not normal.

The fact that Nightmare wasn't in pain indicates that Dream hasn't hurt himself but that scream...that scream kept everyone up all night. In all honesty...Nightmare was afraid to see Dream. Was he dead? Injured? Gone? It's not that he felt bad, but he felt as if he may have pushed too many buttons all at the same time. That night he had just put Dream through another personal nightmare, but he never took the time to see what dreams had triggered Dream so badly.

A few days passed and still, nobody had dared to approach Dream's cell.

* Well one of us have to!

* Well I'm not going.

* Hell to the NO.

The group was arguing; Nightmare had had enough.

* I'll go, fucking hell.

He left the room and entered the dungeons. It was silent.

He went up to Dream's cell. He was staring at the back wall, his hands on his head.

* Dream.

Dream was unmoved by the voice.

* Dream turn around.


Nightmare grabbed him with a tentacle and turned around. But what he saw made him stopped and stare. Dream hand was on his head...because he was stopped the magic leaking out.

* What did you do?!

Nightmare rushed into the cell and shook Dream, trying to get a response from him.

Still nothing.

He took Dream to a room and patched him up.

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