Chapter 9

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* Find Dream.

"Yes, Nightmare."

Dream felt an unknown aura and quickly left the room. He needed to find the others.

"Dream!" Amelia exclaimed.

Dream pinched himself and turned visible.

* Where are the others..??

"They need our help, c'mon!"

Dream followed Amelia...fully convinced.

Dream rushed through the door and as soon as he felt the crystals, he turned around and closed his eyes.

He knew exactly what they were.

After all, he had helped Sci find them.

* That was quick, Amelia. Great job.

Dream realised she was being controlled. He was powerful enough to overcome most of the crystals. But the white crystal caused pain when you try to overcome it and the black was inevitable. Dream had to think about this best he could.

* W...What did you do to them?!

* Used the crystals of course. Turn around Dream, face reality.

* No! Undo what you did to my friends!

Nightmare eyed Killer and he was about to grab Dream when he teleported. He grabbed the black crystal. If he used it on Nightmare, the reverse effect would take place.

Nightmare faced the white one at Dream as Dream faced the black one at Nightmare.

He had to fight to keep his control.

Dream saw Nightmare starting to melt.

Give in.
Give up.
Let me take control.

Dream's eyelights began to turn white, he couldn't hold on much longer. He was in so much pain.

Nightmare realised he was melting and eyed Amelia. She casted a spell and watched the black crystal teleport into her hand. Dream fell to the floor, still trying to fight the urge to give in.

She faced the black crystal towards Dream.

Dream felt something and spat it out.

Black goop-


Sci tried his last plan to open the stupid door. He laid explosive powder down by the door and lit it. The explosion caused smoke to cover the room, but it broke the door! He rushed out with his crystal blocking substance and rushed to outside the meeting room. He needed to save Dream, he had a hunch that he was their target. He put the substance into a syringe and quickly teleported into the room right next to Dream. He injected it into Dream and used magic to turn the substance into a gas and it spread all over the room.

Ink got his memory.
Blue could move.
Amelia snapped out of it.

Nightmare glared at Sci but Amelia quickly cast a spell and her and the good Sanses were teleported back home.

"Next time, listen to me."

Dream looked down and apologised. Amelia went upstairs and slammed her door shut. Blue and Ink went to their rooms. He had only been freed not long ago and was already upsetting his friends.

Dream went to his room and stared at the mirror.

( * They'll be fine. )

* I upset them, Shattered!

( * Anyone can upset anyone. They have to get over it. )

Dream sighed before laying in bed, feeling exhausted after fight against the effect of the crystals.

And eventually, he fell asleep.

The Next Day...

Amelia woke up and got ready in a flash before going down to make breakfast. She opened the kitchen door and jumped in surprise as she saw Dream. His back was turned to her.

"Oh- good morning Dream!" Amelia walked towards Dream.

* Don't come anymore closer.

Amelia stopped...was Dream alright?

"Is everything okay?"

* I'm fine.

Dream felt odd, almost..angry.


* I said I'm fine.

He stood up and walked off, leaving Amelia baffled in the kitchen. An hour went by and everyone else had woken up.

* Where's Dream?

"He was in a really bad mood this morning..I feel bad for the way I walked off yesterday."

* We can talk about it when he gets back, don't worry yourself.

Ink gave her a hug and they all sat down for breakfast.

Dream on the other hand, was alone on a bench, looking at a waterfall.

Brother, be careful!

I know what I'm doing.

Please brother, it's dangerous to stand at the edge like that!

You're such a-


* I should've seen the signs.

( * It's not your fault he was falling apart, you did the best you- )

* NO I DIDN'T SHATTERED. I could've done MORE.

( * Some things are inevitable Dream, even with you putting all your efforts in, he's a being of darkness. )

Dream went silent.

( * You feel dark because of the effects of the black crystal, it'll wear off eventually. )

* ..Whatever...

( * Let's go back home, Amelia made a lovely breakfast. )

Dream didn't respond, but instead stood up and walked around, kicking rocks about. Half an hour passed by before he decided to go back home. The others had gone out.

He was alone.

* Idiots.

( * Oh calm down, you're being such a baby. )

* I don't need your input right now.

* Who are you talking to.

Dream turned around to see Nightmare, sitting on the sofa, the crystals in their box next to him. He glared at Nightmare, a mixture of anger and frustration bubbling up inside of him.

* Get out Nightmare, I'm not in the mood to deal with you!

A tentacle grabbed his arms and gripped tightly.

* I can tell, the negativity you're radiating surprises me. Which brings me back to my question, who were you talking to.

* None of your business.

( * Dream just say you're talking to me, he can't possibly do anything to oppose that. )

* I won't ask again.

( * Dream, just tell him- )

* And neither will I answer, since when did you care what I do?

Nightmare frowned. He picked up the white crystal and looked at it for a bit.

* You seem really tired today, so I guess it'll be easier for you to give in.

Dream spawned in his sword and he quickly cut the tentacle holding him in his place and teleported to the crystals and grabbed the black one.

* We can do this again Nightmare, you won't win.

* But that's the part where you're wrong, I will!

They both raised the crystals towards one another and Dream fought as hard as he could. He was confused though, why was Nightmare not reacting to the effects of the black crystal?! Dream's began to feel more pain.

Give in.
It'll be okay...
Believe me, Dream!

* Dream...?

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