Chapter 12

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Dream had spent the next few days alone, locked in his room. Shattered had returned to Dream's body, back as a reflection. But even when Shattered tried to engage in conversation, there was no response from Dream. He hadn't eaten in three days and neither had he slept.

Shattered was moving through mirrors when he stopped at Ink's room. He was in there will Error, arguing.

* Well I can't do anything about that, Error!

* Yes you can, you're his friend. His misery is making my job harder.

* Your job?! That's hilarious Error, you destroy timelines unfairly.

* Yeah because creators make them with no good reason.

* Go and talk to Dream yourself, he's making all our lives harder, but I can't blame him entirely.

Error rolled his eyes and left the room.

( * You guys really hate him, huh. )

Ink quickly turned to face Shattered.

* I- you were listening to the conversation?!

Shattered nodded, frowning.

* I don't hate Dream, he's just...he's the guardian of positivity but he's been radiating off pure negativity for a while now. That's makes all our lives harder...

( * His life has been hard too y'know. Do you know what he went through in Nightmare's castle? )

* No and I don't want to.


Dream took out his soul, which was beating slower than normal, even it's usual glow had somewhat disappeared. He looked at it for a while before a memory popped up in his mind.

* Brother? I think our souls are so beautiful and complimentary, y'know.

* Well they do represent good and bad, positivity and negativity. You get the gist...

* Let's make a promise, let's always keep our souls glowing no matter what. Then, we'll always be able to find one another!

* I would like that. You promise too?

* I promise, brother.

Dream continued to stare...the memory fading away. What a promise...promises are made to be broken. A few minutes passed before he got an alert for a corrupted timeline.

* Guys, we have a mission let's go!

It would be selfish not to go, right. Dream washed his face and hesitantly opened a portal into the timeline being attacked.

( * You're not seriously going on that mission, right? )

* It's my job...

( * Ah so he speaks. Dream you're still recovering, Amelia can take over until you're feeling better. )

* I am happy.

Dream gave Shattered the best smile he of before going through the portal. He spawned his bow and arrow and began fighting. No matter how tired and hungry he felt he didn't care.

He really didn't.

Killer threw a knife his way and he ducked, summoning a blaster to attack back.

* You look and fight terribly y'know!

Killer yelled at Dream, though he didn't spark any reaction whatsoever. There was a huge crash and the others looked to see who it was. Blue had blasted Night into a bunch of boxes filled with books.

He quickly got up and teleported to Killer.

* His energy levels are effecting me, get him to stop fighting.

Nightmare glanced over at Dream, and a glow in his eyes triggered something in Dream. His eyes widened and he clenched his chest.

( * Dream, what's wrong?! )

Dream used the walk next to him to keep him up.

* H-He's...he's trying to-

( * Dream, Dream why is your magic- )

* He's bringing y-you out...-

Dream's eyes closed and goop quickly covered his entire body. Blue, Ink, and Amelia stopped fighting and looked in shock at what used to be Dream. Shattered opened his eyes and felt the cold snow underneath him.

( * What the- )

Shattered quickly rolled over before one of Nightmare's tentacles could pierce him. He could feel Dream's magic running through him. A mix of positivity and negativity was being released from his aura.

( * Crap- Dream you need to- argh-! )

Amelia created a protection box around Shattered and the three started to fight the bad Sanses again.

"You can't take a breath torturing your own brother. He's been through enough!" Amelia cast a spell, locking everyone evil - except for Nightmare - into a magic cell.

Nightmare glared at her, his tentacles remaining sharp and extra cautious.

* He deserves everything I-

"No. No he does not. He did all he could to protect you. You're so selfish!" Amelia yelled.

* Oh really?! Did you even see what happened to me? Why I'm like this?!

"I went back in time and watched the entire thing," Amelia undid her spell, Shattered shakily standing up, "did Dream forget to tell you he was physically assaulted because he told the villagers to leave you alone? Or how he was tied up and forced to watch his soul get stabbed and crushed for hours??"

Amelia seemed mad more than upset.

( * Amelia, that's enough- )

"No! You can't be a victim all by yourself Nightmare, you haven't even once thought about what your brother went through. The villagers were so manipulative, whenever he didn't provide the quantity of positivity they wanted, they'd threaten Dream, axe him, even forced him under water to the point he was going to stop breathing. And you're here whining?!"

Amelia opened a portal for her and her friends. Nightmare was silent.

"The list wasn't even a quarter done."

They went through and the portals closed behind them.

* Are you okay Shattered? Is Dream okay?!

( * Yeah, we're fine, I think he's just passed out. )

Nightmare and his team teleported back home. They all looked at him at he sat on his throne. Amelia must've forgotten that the actual Nightmare...had been silenced a long time ago.

* What do we do now, Boss?

* Well that's easy, I have a new set of night terrors for Dream all thanks to the girl.

* And what about Shattered?

Nightmare faced Cross.

* You know them better than all of us. I want you to gain their trust and poison Shattered.

Cross froze for a bit.

* M-Me?! Boss they'd never trust me-

* That's an order. We'll continue making them all suffer until they leave Dream. Then we can get that last golden apple.

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