Chapter 13

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Cross knocked on the door, nervous. What if he failed the mission?! Blue opened the door with a smile but once he saw who it was he spawned a sharp bone and threatened Cross with it.

* I...I'm just here to talk..

* There's nothing to talk about.

* It's about Dream.

Blue rolled his eyes before letting Cross in. They sat down in the living room where Ink was.

* is he?

"You should know the answer to that."

Amelia walked into the room, glaring at Cross.

* Dream and I were..close a very long time ago and I feel horrible every time I have to fight him nowadays.

* guys used to be friends?

* Yeah, after I joined Nightmare it all ended though...

"So why all of a sudden are you back? Why now."

Cross sighed before bringing out three files out. He gave them to Blue.

* Nightmare is making Sci create three new crystals. Pink, purple and clear.

Pink - Forces fear into a person, forces them into a night terror state, delusions, terror.

Purple - Controls body movement.

Clear - Unknown.

* ..Unknown?

* Night hasn't told us what the clear crystal does.

Dream was at the window, looking outside.

( * Hey. )

* Hi..

( * Cross is downstairs, y'know. )

* What?!

He immediately went up to his door but paused.

( * I don't trust him. )

* He's our fr-

( * Don't lie to yourself Dream. )

* He wouldn't be here if he didn't want to help us.

( * Or he could be Night's little spy. )

Dream opened the door but stayed in his place. Shattered felt one emotion grow.

( ...Dream? )

* He's gonna let me down...isn't he.

( * would be no surprise. )

They heard Cross say goodbye to them and promised to help them when he could. Dream clenched his fists.

( * Dream- )

He immediately teleported outside of the house and slapped Cross in the face.

* You won't manipulate this situation, don't you DARE come back here again.

* Dream what the hell?! I'm not-

* Don't play dumb with me Cross.

* I'm trying to help you Dream, unlike you in the past. I felt bad for you...I still feel like I have feelings for you and I know I can't take Night down alone, so I want to help y-

* Wait, what?

( * Wait, what? )

* ...I'm sorry, that was really irrelevant...

* had feelings for me..?

Dream's soul glowed brighter.


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