Chapter 8

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Dream and the others teleported outside Nightmare's base.

"Dream are you sure this is a good idea..? If Nightmare's planning something we should protect ourselves in the base." Amelia pointed out.

* If he wanted me dead it means he wants to corrupt a positive timeline. A very significant one.

* Dream we can deal with it, we don't want you going out, you're his target!

Meanwhile Nightmare...

They were all in the meeting room. Sci was terrified, he had be forced here to give the gang what they wanted.

A way to take the other side down.

* Show me the crystals.

Sci shakily brought out the briefcase and placed it on the table and opened them. Seven sparkling crystals laid out in the briefcase.

* What do they each do.

Sci gulped. When he didn't answer immediately, Killer through his knife without warning, stabbing the wall right behind Sci.

* Hurry up, bitch.


He took out each crystal and explained each of their abilities.

Red - has the ability to change someone's memory
Orange - has the ability to slow someone down
Yellow - has the ability to paralyse someone
Green - has the ability to heal someone
Blue - has the ability to change someone's current emotion

Sci was about to close the briefcase when Cross stopped him.

* What about the black one and the white one?

'I-It's too dangerous..'

Nightmare glared at Sci.

* I don't care whether you think it's dangerous or not, what do they do.

His tentacles sharpened and Sci shakily took and white and black ones out.

'T-The white one has the ability to control s-someone's mind a-and the black black one c-can change...corrupt someone's soul.'

* Like octopus over there?

* Killer shut the fuck up.

''s m-made but the same substance as th-the a-apple Nightmare c-consumed...'

* You can make more crystals, right?

Sci looked down in absolute fear.

* I'll take that as a yes. Fortunately, we have a huge lab with pretty much anything and everything so we'll keep you here to make more rare crystals like these~

Dust make sure all the crystals were in the briefcase and closed it shut. Cross led Sci to the lab and locked him in.

* We can use these against the hood Sanses, right?

Nightmare nodded.

* But when?

Nightmare smirked.

* He's outside the castle as we speak.

* Wait really?!

Nightmare grabbed the remote and switched on the cameras. Dream, Ink, Blue, and a girl were using magic to get an entry into the castle.

* We'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

"Dream I really don't think this is a good idea.."

* They wouldn't expect us to be here to early, I hope this goes well...

They took a turn into a dead end and Amelia cast the spell to turn them all invisible.

"You'll remain invisible until your XP decreases. Even the tiniest damage will make you visible so please be careful." Amelia explained.

They went separate ways.

Sci took a deep breath and cleared his head. They had all the crystals, this was bad, really bad! He looked around the huge lab and thought about what he could make with what resources were available to him.

'C-C'mon...calm d-down.'

Sci grabbed a few things and crushed them. He grabbed a magic liquid and boiling it before putting the mix into it. He drank a bit of it and put the rest into small bottles.

They couldn't use the crystals on him now.

Ink walked around until he found the meeting room. They were all in there.

* Why can't we see them on the cameras anymore?

* That girl, who is she.

* She saved Dream from the cell-

* That's out target, we need to get her under our control, then we can go for the others.

Ink had an idea.

He went over to Cross and Dust, poking them both.

* Don't touch me you idiot.

* You're the one that laid your filthy hands on me you little fucker.

Ink went to Killer and Horror and did the same. He had gotten a bit too cocky as he was about to push Nightmare's cup of water onto him. Nightmare took a hunch and grabbed the air.

Ink's arm.

Blue was absolutely lost.

Dream went straight to Nightmare's room. He was looking for something specific. Besides his soul, he knew Nightmare had the last golden apple somewhere. Dream could feel it in the room. He looked under Night's bed and slid out a locked box. He unlocked it using magic and the golden apple glowed bright. He ate it immediately, making his soul strong enough to bare the tremendous amount of negativity in the castle.

Amelia found the meeting room way after Ink.

* Which shall we use first~?

Nightmare grabbed the blue crystal. Amelia stepped into the room, Ink had already been caught. The blue crystal began to glow and Nightmare held it towards Ink...

A few seconds went by...

Ink's eyes began to water.

* Aww, what's the matter Ink?

Nightmare picked up the red crystal. He held it towards Ink and he stared blankly at Nightmare.

* Did it work Boss?

* ...l-let go of me!

Horror let go of Ink and he stood up and wiped his tears. Nightmare was about to grab him with his tentacle when Amelia sliced it in half. She went visible, glaring at Nightmare.

* Ah, the golden child.

Blue was forced into the room by Killer.

* Ink!

* Who's that...-

"You erased his memory of his friends?!" Amelia was pissed.

Nightmare picked up the white crystal.

* Why would you care? They're nobody to you. You can the real power here.

"I know what you've done to these three, and I won't let you make me suffer."

Amelia was about to cast a spell when Nightmare held the crystal up to her.

Her mind blanked.

* I doubt that...

* W-What did you do to them?!

Blue tried to break from Killer's grip. Nightmare held the yellow crystal towards Blue and he stopped struggling. His eyes widened as he dropped to the floor, worried about how he couldn't move.

All that was left...was Dream.

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