Chapter 5

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Days had passed and Dream hadn't moved. His head was patched up but he hadn't responded to anything or anyone.

* Maybe his head injury is more severe than we-

* I would feel it. He's doing all this for attention.

Dust was on his phone when an anonymous number rang it. He answered it and his phone began to glitched. It fizzled before breaking into a portal, Ink and Blue stepping out of it, immediately breaking into battle. Nightmare grabbed Dream and teleported off.

* Wake up Dream. 😡

Dream's breathing was shallow and silent. His eye lights were shaking and Nightmare hadn't noticed until now.

He knew what it meant.

* Dream wake up.

He tapped Dream, but he still didn't react.

* If you don't wake up, I'll make you suffer.


He sighed in frustration before going into Dream's mind. He was surround with bad memories, guilts, regrets, tortures. What the heck?!

He'd never seen these memories before.

We're they all Dream's..?

* Dream? Dream where are you!?

You could hear his yells of help and cries of pain, but they were coming in all directions. But the feeling of pure negativity was in one area only. Nightmare teleported to that spot and saw Dream, sobbing. The same negativity he felt when he had eaten the corrupt apple was present.

He had finally realised he might have gone a bit too far.

Nightmare grabbed Dream and pulled him into a hug, trying his best to create a calming aura around them. He saw Dream's memories and only now realised that Dream has been through hell to try and protect him...

It took long until Dream's mind cleared and it was a blank space. Nightmare woke up and watched Dream properly wake up very slowly.

But Nightmare teleported Dream back to the cell before he could say anything. The fact that Nightmare had hugged Dream...saved him, meant that there was still some light in him.

And that was all that he needed.

An hour before midnight...

Dream was talking to 'himself' again but he seemed to be arguing more than anything. Horror entered the dungeons and stared at Dream, who was turned around.

* I told you, and you didn't believe me.


* He would've left me there if he didn't care, have faith in him for once.


* He's my-

* Dream, who the hell are you talking to?

Dream turned around to see Horror, very very confused.

* I...uh...I'm talking to myself...

* That's very hard to believe.

* Well try staying in a cell that most literally drowns you in negativity and drains out all your sanity and it makes sense.

* If you tell me who you're talking to I won't tell Nightmare..Cross told me what happened.

Dream looked at Horror and he seemed genuine to his word.

* I'm talking to-

Dream went silent before he could say.

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