Chapter 15

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The Next Day...

Cross entered through Dream's window as always and saw Dream asleep and in peace. He didn't wanna wake him up...

Instead, he sat at Dream desk and looked at Dream and smiled. What was that feeling..?

Cross looked at the papers and notes on Dream's desk. A layout of Night's castle, information on his soul, and so much more. Cross could take all of this and give it to Nightmare, but he didn't want to...not yet anyways.

Cross was too busy looking at Dream he hasn't realised Shattered in the mirror.

( * Oi, you creep. )

Cross jumped back and fell off the chair in a fright.


( * Shut up, Dream's asleep. )

Cross hesitantly got up and looked at the mirror, Shattered glaring him down.

* Y-You scared me...sorry for yelling...

Dream was still fast asleep, thankfully.

( * Why were you looking at the sheets on Dream's desk? )

* I was curious...

Shattered went to the reflection at the window closest to Cross.

( * I always knew you were just a spy. )

* ..What?

( * You heard me. You show up out of nowhere and suddenly want to 'help' Dream?! Don't kid yourself. )

Cross looked down.

( * I fucking knew it- )

* No. I would never let Dream down like that!-

( * Oh yeah? You've let him down for the last ten YEARS. )

* You don't understand the whole story.

( * Oh I understand enough. You're not gonna betray him again. )


* Mmph...Cross..?

Cross turned to face Dream and Shattered disappeared. Dream sat up, not knowing why Cross looked so stressed.

* Is everything okay...?

Cross nodded, sitting back down.

* Yeah. 😅

They looked at one another before smiling.

* Wanna go down and get something to eat...?

* Sure! :)

They went downstairs and the others were having breakfast together.

* Hey guys! Cross is here today. :)

"Morning you two love birds!"

Cross looked over at Amelia.

* We're not-

* Help yourself to anything guys, Blue made his famous breakfast menu.

Ink got up to get more scrambled eggs. Cross and Dream sat with one another and Dream rolled his eyes as the others snickered at them.

* Guys stop! You're making it awkward..

"Cross is blushing."

Dream's eyes widened and he turned to look at Cross, whose blush had gotten even deeper in colour.

* I- no I'm not! It's because I'm feeling hot...that's all.

* Mhm...Mhm.

Blue giggled and Ink returned to the table.

Nightmare was in his throne room with his team, excluding Cross.

* Today is the day boys.

* Fucking finally, I can't wait for vacation after this~!

* You all know your roles to play in this, right?

Each nodded.

* What about Cross?

* He knows what to do.

Cross knew darn well what to do.

But he couldn't do it..

* Um..guys?

Everyone looked at Cross happily.

"Yeah? What's up?"

* How do you get over a fear of failure?

* Wow this went serious real fast-

* A fear of failure..? Cross is everything okay?

He held Dream's hand before giving him a hug.

* I'm scared of failing Nightmare..but I love you...he wants to hurt all of you..asked me to poison you all..asked me to expose your plans...but I didn't..I just couldn't-

Dream let go of Cross quickly.


* Are you with me or against me Cross.

* I'm with you-

* Then that means you'll be Night's target once he figures that out.

* You're his target, he wants your soul!

"Guys, I can feel their auras. I'm gonna call my twin sister, they don't know about her so she can help."

The rest nodded.

Nightmare frowned as him and his team approached the Good Sanses's base.

* You all know what the plan is. You all have a crystal each, don't let me down. I'll find Cross and give him his crystal.

Everyone nodded and teleported into the base.

Killer waited outside Amelia's room and grinned as he heard her words.

"C-Cross...we trusted you-!"

* How unfortunate.

Killer came into the room and was immediately confused.

* Where's Ameli-

Ellie cast a spell, freezing him in place.

"Time to get the others."

Dream was in his room, sitting on his desk chair, trying his best to remain calm.

( * Hey, we're gonna be fine. )

* What if Cross was lying?!

( * Then I'll kill him myself. You still love him...I can tell. )

* When he came back into my life...everything stopped feeling so painful...

( * He won't betray you. )

* I hope not...

He waited nervously for the twin sisters and Cross.

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