Walking to School

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The weekend seemed to fly by and Monday had come faster than you can say 'take a note'. Today is the first day back to school since the Dutch Day disaster last Friday night. Mr. Rzykruski wouldn't be teaching the class anymore so the class will be forced to listen to the gym teacher teach a class she obviously has no interest in, or at least until the original teacher returns, but no one knows when that will be. But maybe today won't be so bad, Victor figured, he was going to walk to school with Elsa today.

Victor smiled to himself at the thought before standing up from his seat at the table. Victor grabbed his plate and put it into the sink for his mom to wash. Victor walked down the hallway and turned into his room to grab his school bag then walked back into the kitchen, swinging the strap over his shoulder. Sparky rushed to his owner's feet and began to jump around him.

"Bye Mom, I'm off the school." Victor announced as he bent down to pet his dog.

"You're leaving already?" She asked as she reached for the dishes in the sink. "It's not even 7:30."

"I know. I'm walking to school with Elsa today." Victor told her, avoiding contact with his parents and focusing on his dog. Susan and Edward exchanged prideful glances.

"Really?! That's great, son!" Edward called out, turning around to face his son.

"She's such a pretty girl and seems very sweet." Susan added.

Victor blushed and said nothing.

"Is this going to be an everyday thing?" Edward asked his son, putting down the newspaper he was reading and looking at his son who was petting Sparky. Victor looked up at his dad briefly.

"I don't know." He mumbled, bashfully shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you like her?" His mother asked. Victor got embarrassed rather quickly.

"Yeah, she's nice." Victor continued to mumble.

"I think you should hang out with her more. You know, there comes a time when a young man such as yourself becomes more interested in girls—"

"Dad!" Victor shouted as his face turned bright red.

"You should invite her over for dinner sometime, sweetie." Susan chimed.

"Mom, stop!" Victor yelled at his mother, covering his eyes in embarrassment.

"You picked a good girl, son. Now is the time to reel her in." Edward told his son, reeling the handle on the invisible fishing pole.

"Okay! That's it, I'm outta here!" Victor called, raising his hand over his head in exasperation before he stomped to the front door. Sparky barked a goodbye to Victor.

"Have a good day at school, Victor!" His mother shouted. The door slammed shut and Susan looked over at her husband.

"Well... at least he's making friends." She smiled.

"And a girlfriend, too." Edward smiled and pulled the newspaper back in front of his face.

Susan smiled and shook her head playfully.

Victor huffed and puffed as he walked briskly to his neighbor's house. He stood at the front door and rang the door bell, still fuming from embarrassment. Victor's eyes popped open when the door opened to reveal Mayor Bergermeister. Victor suddenly became timid, surely Victor was the last person the Mayor wanted to see right now.

"Good morning, Mr. Bergermeister." Victor smiled nervously. "Is um, is uh... is Elsa still here?"

The Mayor glared down at the boy through his thick glasses. The silence grew thick and unpleasant, so thick you can almost cut it with a knife; Victor looked away, trying to escape the gaze of his rather nasty neighbor. Suddenly the Mayor leaned down the eleven year old boy's level. Victor pulled his head down and looked up at the frightening man with wide eyes.

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