Baseball Practice

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The bell finally rang, signaling the end of class. Victor sighed to himself; this is going to be a long day. He gathered his belongings and got up from his desk and walk over to Elsa's. He stood in front of her desk and she looked up at him.

"I guess I have baseball practice after school today. So I won't be able to walk home with you." Victor said apologetic and annoyed. Elsa grabbed her things and stood up from her desk.

"That's okay, Victor. We can walk to and from school whenever you want. Maybe I'll drop off my stuff, pick up Persephone, and we can all watch you at practice. And we can walk home together after that." She gave him a kind smile.

"Really?" Victor perked up.

"Yeah. Hey, if you want maybe I can pick up Sparky too?" She asked.

"You don't mind?" Victor asked, slightly baffled.

"Of course not. Call your parents and tell them I'm going to pick up your dog and I'll see you at practice." Elsa smiled and walked away.

'Great, now Elsa is gonna watch me stink at baseball.' Victor thought out loud as he walked to the front office of the school.

He opened the glass door and walked up to the receptionist's desk. Victor put his hands up on top of the desk and softly cleared his throat; the lady at the desk turned her head to him.

"How may I help you, dear?" She asked.

"Can I use the phone? I need to call my parents."

"Sure thing, dear." She pointed to the phone on the other side of the desk. "Be sure to press 9 before you dial."

"Thank you." Victor walked over to the other side of the desk and began to dial his house. The phone rang a few times before his mother finally answered.

"Hello?" She answered the phone confused; the school had never called her before. Had Victor gotten in trouble? Or was he in trouble?

"Mom? Hi, I uh... I have to stay after school today. I have baseball practice."

"Oh." His mother sighed. "Is that all? I thought something bad happened."

"Oh, no." Victor chuckled. "I just need to practice if I'm going to get any better and maybe go to the championship..."

"Oh dear, that's wonderful. I'm so proud of you! Making friends and playing sports, I'm sure you'll be wonderful."

"Thanks, mom." Victor blushed. "Um, my friend Elsa is going to watch me practice today—"

"She is?!"

"Yes, she said she would come by and pick up Sparky on her way home and bring him and her dog to the school field. Is that okay?" Victor asked nervous, no one had ever taken care of Sparky other than Victor and his parents.

"That's fine dear, as long as you're sure you can trust her with your dog...?" Susan questioned.

"Of course I can trust her!" Victor said a little too quickly. "She... she has a dog of her own, too. A black poodle, Persephone."

"Oh yes, that's right. Well if you trust her, I trust her too." Victor felt relieved at his mother's acceptance.

"I don't know how long practice is going to be; maybe an hour?"

"Dinner is in two hours, if you're not home by then I'll save some for you in the microwave."


"Alright, you do good out there!"

"Yeah... okay, bye."

"Bye, dear."

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