To be or not to be that tis the question

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Arriving early at breakfast was something only a few did willingly. Usually the raven hair girl waited for the others to wake, today however she wanted to eat alone in peace at least for a few minutes.
Loading her plate with fruits and pancakes, she was in heaven as she savored her first bite. That was however ruined as soon as two large bodies sat on either side of her. She tried her best to ignore them, but they just wouldn't stop talking.
"Evie are you alright love, you've been awfully quite this morning." Cedric pretty boy Diggory asked. She sat her empty goblet on the table quite forcefully creating a loud bang that made the rest of the great hall go quiet.
Further down the table Draco learned closer to Pansy and whispered, "this should be good."
"Diggory, Krum, I think that if you two want to be able to procreate in the future then you will back off!" She snapped. Her glare did not waver as Cedric pulled the kicked puppy look. "I've tried being nice, and I think I've been more then patient. But for Salazars sake please leave me the hell alone!" Both young men looked like they had been stabbed. "I am fourteen freaking years old! I am not looking for a relationship, I do not want a boyfriend and I am damn well not anyones love!" She yelled the last bit losing her usual stoic composure and stormed from the great hall.
"What did I do wrong?" Cedric said his head in his hands. He really liked her all he wanted was a chance to show her how he felt about her.
"You didn't give her any space." He looked up to see Malfoy talking to him. "Women need space to grow, to deal with things on their own. She's a public figure and any down time she gets you and Krum are there hounding her like she's some new broom to be fought over. Lately the only chance she gets to breath and be just Evie is in the common room, even then the first years look at her like she's Merlin reborn." The blond held his head high and walked out of the great hall. Several boys around the hall hung their heads in shame, they to had been pressing to be in her company more and more. At the teachers table Andromeda look on proudly as her nephew left.
"Come now everyone finish eating, classes start soon." She called out snapping everyone back to their own conversations.
(Edited out my mistake)

Somewhere on the seventh floor of the castle there was a room, a room that could be a version of any room you wanted. Inside this room were items of no importance and others that could be used to shape the future. One such item was a tiara looking headpiece of tarnished silver and blue sapphires. It seemed to gleam in the darkness of the room and if any had approached it it would have felt sinister in nature.

Azkaban prison was a wasteland to humans. The prison took up most of the islands space, the rest was cliffs and rocky shore line. Several floors above sea level in the high security wing, Albus Dumbledore paced in his cell. Once again cursing himself because of his inability to turn into an animal. He had tried many years ago when he was young but his form was not something becoming of a man in his positions. A mole wasn't something he wanted to be at least not animal wise.

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