Chapter 7

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Jungkook's expression turned blank after hearing her words. Sara was just so distracted by the noises that she let out all her anger on him. She left after spitting those words whereas Jungkook stood still on his place. He was a Mafia King, not some roadside Romeo. He left the scene as he made a promise to himself to never get in her way again

Next day

Sara was mad at herself for saying such a thing to him. Even though he didn't give off nice vibes to her, but what she did wasn't right. Guilt was eating her up as the words which she said kept on playing on loop. She couldn't even concentrate on her class... but still she held it out till she had a free period and when the bell rang, she bid goodbye to the kids before making her way towards the principal's office. She knocked on the door and waited for a reply. 

She frowned hearing nothing from the other side. She turned to the secretary's office. She knocked on the door and received the same treatment. She was confused... she turned around to leave when she saw the former principal, Catherine walking to the office. She was shocked... did he leave?

"Good morning Sara"

Sara came out of her daze and replied back with a small smile

"Good morning... umm... your back?" she asked cautiously not wanting to sound rude

"Yeah, Mr. Jeon gave me the double amount of the price he bought this school for and gave me back the position"

Sara was now blank, she badly wanted to apologize... and she wasn't sure if she would ever see him anymore. Her heart fell down making her feel weird. She sighed before giving a small smile to Catherine who gave back a wide smile and left to her class.


"So he left?"

"Yeah... I feel awful... I mean he could have waited for at least a day"

Amaya chuckled seeing her best friend's pout. She smirked knowing that she'd only get all sulky and pouty only when she's very sad over something

"You were the one who was wanting him to leave your life the second you met him... and now when he has... your wanting him to come back?"

"I don't want him to come back"


She knew it

Her eyes dunked as she gulped before speaking

"I just want a minute or two just to apologize"

"Well now what could you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"He has already left... pretty sure he has left the country as well"

Sara shut her eyes tightly as she grabbed her hair

"Ahhh... why did I have to speak rubbish?"

Amaya chuckled seeing her best friend's crazy behavior

"I mean you always do"

Sara glared at her as she quickly shut her mouth, not wanting to wake the devil inside her.


"The f**k Jungkook?! We needed that building!"

Jungkook blankly stared at the view outside as he sipped on his wine, the burning sensation on his throat just gave him more space to his mind as his thoughts again got invaded by the words from a person who he thought was different

"Buy it again then"

Namjoon stared at him in disbelief

"Jungkook" J-Hope warned him

"New Zealand is the only place?" he said as he put his wine glass down 


"Italy. Let's do it there... I'm not interested to conduct the exhibition here"

The members were confused hearing him

Suga was dumbfounded... he thought that she would change him... but it seemed that he was again going back to normal. He was again turning to that blank Jungkook. That black and white Jungkook.

"Are we okay?"

Jungkook asked raising his eyebrows as the members sighed before nodding

"Is something wrong between you both?" Jin asked him, worried that they soon would have to face the old Jungkook

"Between who both?" he asked while sipping his wine again

"Between you and Sara?"

Jungkook's eyes turned dark

"Who Sara?"

The members looked at him in shock. He was acting as if he wasn't madly crazy over the poor girl few days ago

"That teach-"

"Hyung" Jungkook warned him

"I don't know any Sara" 

The members looked at each other. They knew something had gone wrong in their path and Jimin somewhat had a clue of it. He wasn't willing to speak in front of the rest of the members as he knew that Jin would m^&der him the second he gets to know that he was having s&x in the theatre. He was waiting for them to leave. 

As soon as they left, Jimin charged towards Jungkook

"Is it cause what she said?"

"Hyung... I don't bloody f*****g care about her or anything related to her. Got it?!" he yelled as he got up from his chair before leaving the office room as Jimin stood still. He wasn't able to progress anything that had just happened now. 

"Aish! This br@t started raising voice also"


"God! WHAT?!"

"I need to apologize now! This guilt is eating me up"

"Then apologize"



"I DON-"

"Okay let's talk properly first"


"Now tell"

Sara took a deep breath before...

"I DON'T-"

Her words got interrupted as Amaya threw a pillow at her as they both busted laughing out loud.

"I'm sorry" her heart badly wanted to apologize as it didn't feel like laughing

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕵𝖊𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖉𝖞 - 𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now