omega-red child

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After the lesson Hope to meet an old enemy of her father. That had a big fight with him . And there he was with his daughter , he was looking very week .She ran a brought a chair.
As she gave the chair to him , he looked at her and smiled
"Thank you stranger " He said to Hope.
Hope : That's okay. I'm the leader of the wolves. My name is Hope.
Infra red: Yes , I was thinking if my little Annastaia could be apart of this group.
Hope : sure she can but it's her choice.
Annastaia: yes I want to be a wolf.
Infra red : Can I came visit ?
Hope: of course . We the wolves gather and help mutants and humans that haven't found there way yet !.
Infra red: Do you have the daughter of wolverine ?
Hope: Why ask , she's different that the wolverine !
Infra -red : No I just don't want that my baby girl to get hurt.
Hope : She'll be in good hands
Infra red :if she'll get hurt , I coming of you !

Hope nodded to him .She knew what hunters from lost empires can do ! . Just asked Sabertooth and Romuluse . Suddenly Annastaia gave her a hug that almost crushed her.
"Thanks Hope, I won't disappoint " Annastaia said with a tear falling from her eyes.
Hope gave her a good welcome with the new mutants and humans that came throughout the week

THE Wolves     book 2 of stuck in the middleWhere stories live. Discover now