unflod the truth

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As she was found by the wolverine , out cold and bearly breating . He took her to the mantion . Showing Exavior
That he was right he rushed to the emergency room .
"What happend ?" Said Jean Grey
"I don't know " said wolverine
"Mybe  i can talk to her  "said Jean grey again. Using her telepaty to comunicate with Hope .
"No luck but at least her system is good " she said looking in the eyes .

One hour later  in the wolverine point of view
A mutant called Hank aka The Beast  came with a pale face and i just knew that it was bad news .
"Hope needs some blood " He said
"Well find a person that can" I said with an angry tone .
Hank sat down near me and put his hand on my back .
"My friend ,I think Hope now diserves the truth ,from you and iris . At least in her last moments tell her the real story  " He said.
But it was hard to tell Hope that  all of her ups and downs in life were a lie and in her last breath comes slowly . I will never tell her about her father or how she could had lived.
I wasn't good to her ,i know that but still she always loved me and called me father .Hope will always be my little girl now . I let her in ,like she was my own . I will not let her die .

"Hank,give her my blood" i said to him
"No ,i can't " he said to me
"Why not?" I responded
"Becouse than you will be the death of her " he said.
I didn't ask why but i knew hank would know .
"Tell her my friend ,tell her " he said.
"If i tell her ,she won't hear me ,she's outcold " i told him.
"At least you had told her the secret " he said .
An hour pasted and i  had disided  to go near her .
She was sleeping softly well in a coma . I never saw her so pacefull . When she was small she was always with nightmares . I took her hand ..
"Hope,Darling , Your mother and I wanted to tell this for a long time ........ so here it goes ...... we can't give you our blood b bbbecouse you were found in the river " I said to her . She will die not knowing her real father ,her real family and she got an ungreatful family  that wanted only power . She will die thinking that i hate her .

eft her sight snd went near Iris .

THE Wolves     book 2 of stuck in the middleWhere stories live. Discover now