The mission and escape

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Hopes point of view
We went into a hidden bunker that found in the middle of the wood.Where no animal would go . We went in and it's all dark , uter blindness. I got my flash light and Hollow and I went silently door by door .It was all abandoned and quiet .

It was the 5 door on the right .We find a mother load of files on all Hydra experiments. I went on the section L maybe for Lougen but nothing .

Hollow :Here we go you and me
Me :these files aren't heavly garded.
Hollow : Don't worry ! You worry to much
As she said that a trap sprang out
Hollow got shot by traqilizers , I got shot by one and i acted like they were working than I hear them talking.

"Ser their sterilised " one of the voices .
"Yes get them to the Project X treatment "
I got my clause out and killed the two gards that held me and Hollow . I escaped from that rechid of a lab in hydra . I left running through the woods .

I went to the outscerts hut where Victor got me and we kissed under the moonlight .

I saw a messager hawk ( that were trained by friends of the wolves called the monks) and wrote a message.

"Dear monks
Tell the wolves that the white wolf lives , I have seen her injured with her cousin Hollow get this message at timeless design please
Your friend
One of the wolves " I wrote this in a careless manner.

I healed Hollow as I could and went to west to the Eagles and the Eagles were generous that they gave me a bag pack with some good to eat and some water .
I left and got back to the outscerts hut again than a hear foot steps and i turned and i see her .that wicked smile carved on her face .

THE Wolves     book 2 of stuck in the middleWhere stories live. Discover now