Run ,Run

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Hopes Point of view ................. .......
I got all of my belogings in my fathers hut ,where this mess came to be .
I put two jackets in my bag ,first aid kit ,matches ,a knife , a book for servival , insect reperent and 2 towels and 200 costing money . I was ready to run .
I wrote my last note and put on the counter .
It said like this
Ian you son of a bitch . I will never marry you .and if you think you going to get the people I love think agian.

I leaft the place took a swim in a river to change my sent and ran .out of the woods were I got much stronger amd made friends and foes .

I got a motorcycle from dads friend . It was easy to drive from place to place . As I was runing ,I searched for Cleopatra but I only found about the history of the last phero . No remains of her body or her bloodly piramid . It been 5 months runing and I saw Ronnie again . With his leather boots , two boxers dogs growling at his feet and jeans and a top of some heavy metal band .
"Look whos here " He said ..
"Ian is searching for yea " he continued .I took that as a treat
"Look Ronnie , I need your help " I said
"Yeah " he said
"Do you know a mutant called Cloepatra " I said maybe he might know .
"Their is a mutant in the town called Cleo but i dont know any Cloepatra sorry " he said
"Okay ...okay " I said noded.
"And do you know where I can find a job ?" I asked .
"You can work with me -for a month or so " He said .
"I ll be staying for a week " I said
" okay " he said

After the week passed Ronnie gave me a map in the woods were he said it will be an intristing place to unravle the question in my head.
I headed to this Destination Ronnie told me to go .
It was a hill full of oak trees and hezelnut trees and on the top their were citrus trees .
At the top their were three graves .
Carloline Brooks
Erness Willams
Olivia ..Petreson
To go with this these were in the high cuncle of the wolves back when I become a white wolf

Flashback.. Hope point of view
I ran to get to Ians meeting when I see him and a blood haired girl kissing heavy .
"Such a cute couple ,are they ? " said I blond girl near me .
"Yeah they are " I said
"Where my manners my name is Erness .. erness Willams " she said
"Hope ...Hope Howlet " I said .
"Your the new white wolf its a plesure " she said
"Its a plesure meeting you too " I said to her .
"Thats Olivia " She said pointing at the girl that was kissing Ian . It never bottered me ,Ian is like my big brother or small ,it never mettered .
After the meeting Olivia invited me to join them for discutions on the new huts the following day . I went maybe it would be fun .
Than I met Carloline .She was nice at first much that the other . I never trusted her anyway . So a day came where Olivia came to me and Erness crying saying about Carloline taking Ian away from her . We went down to see and we see them almost mating .
Carloline had this ability to make male ferles anything . But as Touched him it's like her power disapered fom him .
He looked at me doesn't know what happening.Than he sees her almost necked . He became red ...........

The next day ,she came for blood to my borm . And started biting me ,pushing me to a cliff not far from the south wolves .
"I going to kill you " she said
"Why ?" I cried in agony
"Because you can hurt me so its kill or be killed " she said harshly .
As she got of the knife Ian came to protect me .
"STOP !" He said to her .
He killed her with the same knife she almost killed me . I ran near my pack but said nothing of the sort .
The day after I couldn't see Olivia or Erness . I never seen them agian .

The Present ......

But the Others didn't have to die for
Than Ian showed up .
"There my pumpkin " , He said nibling on my neck .
"I got set up ,did I " I said not tryingto purr . He knew where to make me melt in his arms .Than suddenly he turned me facing him almost kissing . He pined me onto a tree .
"You think ,I can't make your life a living hell ,Well think agian Darling " He said chocking me.
"I got acepted to the X-men ,where your prestios family and Romuluse are " He continued ..
"I won't stop untill you say yes infrount of you mate " he said letting me go .
He took two steps and started laughing .
"I will never do that " I shouted at him .
He turned to face me . With his hatefull face . I took of my blades and I put them tru his sholder .
He shouted with pain .
"I might not be you ,but I know better to never mess with a wolf " I growled .
"And if you hurt anyone from my family or my mate ,you wont see the next day " I said .
As i walked away he started to laugh agian .
"Lets the games begin white wolf " he said .
"Let them ,dark wolf " I said and i started runing to my motorcyle ..

THE Wolves     book 2 of stuck in the middleWhere stories live. Discover now