The chosen feud

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"Came sister let me explain " I said to my sisters chosen one .
"You were chosen to have great power and with that power ,me ,you and my other sister will kill Apocolipse and give him iternal sleep " I said going inside Aragon chambers .
"This is your chamder if you 'll be chosen one " I said
"And what's in it for me ?" She asked
"You will have anormus power to hold "I said to her .
She ended up with a smile . I held out  me hand and she gave me hers .
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Hopes point of view .
I gave her my hand as a form as I am in . As I gave her my hand ,I could feel a power serge going thru me and a burning scar was forming . I felt my flesh burning . I screemed .
I looked to Cleopatra and saw a growing smile . Yeah smile son of bitch you have your revange very soon .
On my hand their was blood dripping down my hand . And their it was the mank of the phinex .
"Come with me " she said looking at my woried face .
"At least do you have a bagage ?" I said .
"Come with me and than you 'll see " she said coldly .
We walked into a big thrown room like in Romuluses castle  but with ancient writing on the wall and gold everywhere . There were 3 royal chairs with three main colors ,blue ,red and green .
She sat on the Green chair and told me to sit on the blue . I didn't  hasitate to do want she told me . I sat a anther power serge but this one was  more powerful than the other one . I felt my bone crack and heal again . Than all of the sudden I blanked out . 

I opened my eyes and found myself in Charles Lab . Beast looked at me in wonder .
"Why are you always found almost dead in the middle of nowhere " he asked .
"Well it is a living find exotic places and finding yourself " I said .
All of the suddenstorms Romuluse and his sister Remus .
"Beast can we talk to her alone ? " He told him .
"Sure " Hank said
.He came on the bed and kissing me heavly .
"Where in the hell were you " he said .
"I don t know where did you find me ?"
I asked .
"Little rock " he asked .
"Than their a was !" I said .
"No shit " He said .
He put his hand on my cheek .
"Next time you won't go that easly " He continued 
"Surely I try " I said .
I got out of the bed when I find  scars on my legs . I pretended it was nothing but I could feel their pain consuming every cell in my legs .
As I got to walk .I was like a newborn trying to walk . If it wasn't for Remus ,I would  crack my head.
I was weak in their eyes for the first time . 
Romuluse picked me up and took me to his room .
"You better sleep love "  he said ending his sentence with a kiss on my lips.
I slept so hard   ,i didn't hear anything untill kitty came and woke me up with screem .
"Hope wake  up " she screemed . I see her afride of something . I got out of the bed and my legs were healed and I was ready to  spring into action .
"What happend kitty " I said .
"A friend of mine got crazy and wants to kill you " she said .
This wasn't a surprize ,I knew that this power had a catch to it and that is that others chosen from the same phenix  have to fight to get more power .
"What her name ?" I ASKED Kitty
"Alessia" she said .
"Please Hope don't kill her " she continued .
"I 'll try Kitty !" I said to here .

I went where the cheos was . And there was Alessia acting  like a goddess .

" where is that power hoging thief " She said .
"You're talking about me Alessia " I said .
Lougen was trying to stop me but my  mum stop him .
"You bitch " she screemed at  me .
"What did I  do to you  " I asked

"To came here ... a school full of people that can help you but you came for blood " I continued 

"I came for your blood  , for your power "  she said getting charged up .

A blue glow came covering her focused eyes . She blasted fire from her finger tips  amd they were all aim for me .
I didn't know my powers yet . I was like
An infint at these powers .
As she knew that I was blocking every flame ball ,she threw at me  she went for the X men .
Than as she hit Kitty.  I couldn't see nothing just feeling the power serge thru me and geting it out .
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Lougen (Wolverine ) Point of view
We were getting fired by this blue freak  and some of the childreen got hit .
As i was going to save Kitty . She was hit by this flame ball .
Then Hope got balistic . Her eyes tuned blue and her scalle skin poped out and she attacked like animal .Charles got ouside and attacked Hope so she wouldn't kill Alessia .
Hope was sensible to the attack  and Fell hard .

"The fued is not over Blue " said Alessia .
"The fued just began my darling but without you " Hope said with her glowing eyes in the shade of dark blue and wicked smile .
Than Romuluse got his knife and speared Hope thru the heart .

THE Wolves     book 2 of stuck in the middleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu