The meeting

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......'-------Time went by (Three years )
Hope point of view
Every Monday it was the worst . I thought that my father wanted some bonding time . But I was sorrly mistaken . Every monday the training got harder and if you didn't do exactly as he shows you . He gave you a 1 hour beating ,following through anther hour of whiping. Every tuesday i woke up with a sore and bloody back at the last nerve . I stayed as a cowared and didnt go any more .
A new group of wolves raised up ,they were called The Dragons.
These are a higher group of benders
There was blue ,green ,red ,black and even gold .
I was the white dragon (and the white wolf ). Leader of both sides .
Today the wolves and the dragons had a meeting to discuss about our common foe .The Eagles . They are backstabers and now they want are land and my head in advace .
"Enter the blue Dragon "
"Enter the red Dragon"
"Enter the newly white wolf "
"Enter the white dragon and white wolf "
Thats my que . I got in our white room sat down in a comfomtable chair . Than as we all setled down .......
"Now the x men will be joining us in the middle of this meeting ."
Everyone was shocked by this .
"Okay lets begin" i said
A few hours came in and the discustion got deeper .
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Wolverine point of view
Leaving only Rogue and morph at the manstion . We set our trip to the amizon . Where the wolves live .
"Why are we going there proffesor ?"
Said Kitty
"Well kitty they need are help in jugment " The proffesior said
"But Why " she asked again
"U will see rant " said Victor with a small smile .
"We are here Charles "said Storm
"So X men i hope you be in your best behavior " he said
Everyone noded except of me ,Victor ,rumuluse and mistuque. We leaft the plane and got out of it . Adoring crowds screeming our name ,making our way to their meeting hall. As we entered a white hallway we hear voices saying
".no thats not Human at all "
"I know ...right "
"They are monsters "
As we heard those lines we though it was humans which were talking than we entered a room full of glass . The glass was only that we can see them but they couldn't see us .
And there she was my Hope ,all in her training clothing .
"Guys ,there muntants like us ,they just want diffrent things " she stood up and said .
"They want the place we trive in ,well they won t take it " said a blond girl on a blue chair .
"What do they realy want ?" Said a red headed girl on a green chair .
"The wolves " said annastia that now is the white wolf .
"Anna dont rush to conclostions maybe they want us to reunite "
Said a brounett in a red chair
" but she's right ,they want our land so we will became week and promise you don't say about this " Hope said looking fearless as ever
"We promise " said the others
"They want my head on a platter as a bonas so that means they want War '"

he said .
"We go to War " said the red headed girl .
"But the wolves there not perpared " said annastia .
"Look guys lets do this , everyday we do a schual that every age group will have a training sation with the dragons ,who agrees ?"
"I " "i" "I" and everyone said I
"Okay than "she said than they got a lighter situation.
"Lets not agnor the elephant in the room !" Said annastia
"Why do you have whip marks on you back ?" said annastia agian .
"What " said mistuque . I had the same shock . Romuluse stayed looking at Hope ,waiting for her anser .
"Guys thats all in the past , I dont like to talk about it " she said looking rasnable .
"So than why cant you not heal them " said annastia
"I can Help you Hope " said the blond again
"No " she said
"Why " annastia said in and deep tone
"Because it reminds me that I m still weak " she stood up and got her serus face .
"Guys i have to go and train " Hope said to get out of the conversation .
"Lets go " said the brunett girl
How could Hope be week ? . She can get our powers with one touch and can change into us any changing moment . Suddenly Mistuque leaft the room .
Mistuque point of view
"What" .... what does she mean by whip marks ? What does she mean that she cant tell ? . I am the persin that gave her life . I will not stand for this .As i leaft the room my son kurt stopped me.
"What happend to you mother ,you look so black and blue " He said to me
"Kurt that girl is your half sister ,the one that has whip marking on her back and needs my help " I said to him
"Okay ma go ,i ll meet you with the X men " he said . Than all of a sudden lougen joins me .
"Mistuque lets talk to her both " he said .
I nodded Well he was her step father and when she knew i was her mother she used to tell me how she looks up to me and him .
As we leaft we see a crowd again . Ow shit we cant get threw .
"Every one please get to you stations " said a voice.
And everyone leaft to someplace they need to be .
"At least now we can find Hope " I said
"Follow me " said wolvierne . Useing his super smell he got her sent and got into an elevater .

THE Wolves     book 2 of stuck in the middleWhere stories live. Discover now