Gasping for air

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The X men killed their last Victim . Her name was Hope Monique Howlet . As Romuluse got the knife out for her chest . She was gasping for air . Trying to survive  the conter attack from her lover .
Mistique got Romuluse on the grond 
"Say hello to your maker ,you son of a bitch " she shouted .

At that  time Hopes veins were healing with her heart and she was getting air to her lungs .
Hope got up slowly and looked at her mother .
"Theirs no need for more blood "  Hope said to Mistique  with a weak voice .
Mistique stopped looking at her daughter . Lougen went to help Hope
"Came on Hope " said Lougen to Hope
He was trying to find a pulse but  he  was too late . Hope had healed but lost too much blood .
Hope was taken into the emergancy room at the hospital  . She was given blood but nothing worked . Her pulse got weaker and weaker . Till they gave up Hopes lifeless body was laying with machiens holding on to her life .
Mistique and Dog lougen gave the go ahead to switch off the machien and they watched as their little girl died .
They leaft to the manstion and Mistique was crushed and saw that she will have her revange on Romuluse .
But the story of Hope doesn't close like that . The green phenix persuaded the stuff  at the hospital to give Hope s body to her .
Cleopatra revived Hope and trained her to her new power . Hope knew what had happened . She knew that Romuluse is not safe while she was pretending to be dead .
"Hope you have to concertrate " cleopatras voice traveled in Hopes ear drum .
"I can't " she said .
Hope was still tramatised  about her experence . How could he kill her ?
Did Cleo know ?
Hope sat on the stairs in frount of her thrown .
"How could he ?" Hope said feeling  angry .
"Hope can I see at least so I can help you " Cleopatra said trying to help
Hope nodded and tried to rememder every single dital.
Cleopatra saw the mistake that her past lover did .......
"He did that becouse he knew what your true power hold " she said trying to confort Hope .
"You see Hope ,we chosen few are containing a weapon of destruction that can kill thousands in one flick "
Cleo said .
"The phinex " said Hope .
"Yes that " said Cleo  with the best smile.

THE Wolves     book 2 of stuck in the middleWhere stories live. Discover now