Chapter 15: Feelings that are changing

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  The media transformed the attack on the Lodge Forest Camp into a whole scandal, bringing up a lot of doubts and suspicions over Yuei High

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  The media transformed the attack on the Lodge Forest Camp into a whole scandal, bringing up a lot of doubts and suspicions over Yuei High. Everyone is on the edge, mostly the parents from the students. All of them questioned if Yuei is trustworthy in taking care of the student's safety.

"I mean... They're not wrong?! This wasn't the first attack, so..." Kana commented while reading a topic on her phone to her dad and uncle. The latter just is laughing at how his friend is pissed with this.

"Thanks for doubting my job, Kana..." Shota sighs.

"Hey! It was not your fault! You're their teacher, not their guard! You did your best to deal with something Yuei should've prevented!" she pouted, pulling her phone away, deciding to not touch the subject anymore.

     Kana is following the two heroes in their attempt of calming down the students' families, ask for forgiveness, and to talk about the new Yuei Dormitories. This one was the "solution" the institution found to deal with the dangers of the League of Villains.

     Just by seeing the way the pro-heroes are coming back to the car every time, the fox had a glimpse of how hard it's being to convince the families to keep her friends at Yuei. It's pretty sad but no one can blame them.

     However, that's not the reason Kana is following the duo around today.

"WHO THE FUCK IS ON MY- oh, hi~!" a beautiful blond woman opened the door, recognizing the men as her son's mentors.

"Hi, Mrs. Bakugou. I'm EraserHead and this is All Might, we came to talk with you and your husband about the last events concerning Yuei High."

"Of course, please, come in." when the woman was almost closing the door, she saw a pinky fox girl looking at her with big curious eyes from the car's window. "Isn't she coming in too?"

"Oh, sorry. That's just my daughter, she's Katsuki's friend but-"

"SHE IS WHAT? HEY, GIRL~! DON'T BE SHY AND JUST COME IN!" she waves enthusiastically.

     The fox happily jumped out of the car and bowed before the woman.

"Hi, my name is Kana Aizawa! Nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Bakugou!"

"The pleasure is mine sweet! Just call me Mitsuki, ok? I remember you, the foxie girl from the festival. Tell me how such a lovely person is friends with my damn Katsuki?!?" while they walk to the living room, said boy arrives.

"Old rag, why are you yellin- WHAT THE FUCK?" he groans when Kana hugged him with all her might, nuzzling his chest again. "Ughhh! I'm fucking fiiiine~ LET ME GO!"

"STOP SCREAMING AT HER, BRAT! Your daughter is so adorable, Mr. EraserHead. You raised her well! Please, sit here you two, let's not waste any more of your precious time." while the adults started to talk, Kana faced the blonde.

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