He Saved Me || Part 10: Before Prom

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Norman's POV

I begged Alice to help me with my poster and she said posters are so lame even tho she LITERALLY did one to ask her girlfriend out. She said I should do a PowerPoint to ask him but not one for a school project but a funny and nice one you use to ask a straight dude out to.prom. With Alice knowing how to code this should be awesome! But..... I left my computer at Catherine's place... shit. That reminds me I'm finally a week clean. I feel a serene type feeling. Morgan has helped me a lot, I'm really happy with him I hope he says yes when I ask him out. I really do but because of the homophobic fucking principal it's gonna be hard. Really hard.

----------✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.  𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩, 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬, After school ----------✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.

Morgan asked to walk home together again but I just went straight to target because I needed vodka to think this over. I took vodka then grabbed a pair of sunglasses off a shelf then I walked near the checkout and make a run for it; I know I'm doing something wrong but honestly screw it. The cashiers don't even try because let's be fucking honest this is probably their 7th fucking no big deal ass steal today or they might not have seen me because I walked out so casually out of there. I went CVS and got some pills and because of all my years faking signatures because my mom was too drunk or high to care about stuff I signed everything for her so I know how to make fake doctors notes very well. I go for an ibuprofen 800MG tablets. I sit down and write the fake note and I go to the doctors and ask for the ibuprofen and surprise surprise it works and I get my pills then I go to my car and chug my vodka with 2 ibuprofen pills and almost instantly shit hits. I call Morgan and I just start saying "hey hey hey hi" "hi?" He responds in a questioning tone. "I like really love you and I fucking like drugs and vodka and guess what bitch?" He chuckled a bit but in a forced and worried way and says "what Norman what on the possible earth do you need to tell me?" "I was born like a million years ago I'm a fucking mummy and Morgan, I want to die I just really want to die and I want to drive and swerve into on-coming traffic.." I can hear his sheets rustling as he's rushing to get up from chilling on his bed and he says "NORMAN DO NOT TOUCH THAT FUCKING WHEEL AND I HAVE YOUR FUCKING SNAP MAP OPEN AND I'M ON MY WAY". I can barely remember anything after that all I can remember is brief flashes of me waking up next to Morgan and him holding me tight while we both slept. I woke up the next morning. Hungover as shit and Morgan said we should just skip today because I feel like shit so..... we did.

Word count: 521

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