He Saved Me || Part 14: Reuinons, suprises and highs

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(Nathan's POV)
(A/N: we used the for German language in this please let us know if we got anything wrong)

"Norman, didn't you say that your dad's would meet us at the airport?" I say which he follows up with a nod. Lilith calls an Uber Eats since they were gonna take at least 2 hours. "UGH THESE STUPID FUCKING PEOPLE NEVER FUCKING LISTEN!! I SWEAR THESE *ARSCH MIT OHREN!! *DUMMKÖFE!! I SWEAR TO-" before she could continue anymore.
Alice points out a rest stop with a Chipotle in it across from the airport. Lilith cancels her order and we all head on down. By this time, Lilith has calmed down and Morgan helps Norman eat his half of there shared burrito bowl and Alice is picking out the guacamole into a small cup for sensory reasons I would assume but either way I started helping.

__ 2 hours later——-

Pa came to pick us up eventually and we talked a lot together. We caught up and so did him and Alice she smiled a lot because she never really knew dad she was kinda little when he left so having this kinda small thing of him means a lot. We get to the house him and dad live in but we walk in and he's not there which is sad but I get it he's in the police station most likely. There is this whole like mattress thing set in the living room one for each of us and all set up with there own blankets and stuff. Nathan and Lilith pulled their mattresses together and I nudged mine and Morgan's closer to each other but not right next to so there was no suspicion that we're dating. I'm ready to like burst out the closet and you know come out but I can't say the same for Morgan he said he wants to wait a bit but he's cool with like our siblings and my dads but that's it.

Only Nathan knows though but Alice is a little suspicious so she might find out soon. "I need to go to the store I'll be right back" I really just needed some fucking beer and maybe a cigarette just to calm down the stress. "I'm going with you okay?" said Morgan and I knew, it's because he didn't trust me and to be fair, I was gonna do what he thought I was going to do. After all I brought my fake ID. I start the car and we start to drive and as we pull up he stops me from opening the door. "You are not getting beer. You're too young to drink, Norman." Morgan said, his eyes staring at me with this... glare; it was scary but made me not want to drink. "Let's just go inside and get some snacks Imma ask Pa for a game night tonight.." I give him a quick kiss and then we go on inside. We grab the chips and dip and then get a shit ton of candy. I also put a lighter in the basket. "What? You didn't think I wasn't gonna smoke at least now? Come on now Morgan." Morgan rolls his eyes in a joking type way and we purchase everything. I take a quick smoke and I offer him some of my blunt but he declines which is good because I don't need him to become like me. We head home and I spray myself with Pa's cologne in the car to cover the weed smell... I'm stoned a bit but enough to act normal. "GAME NIGHT EVERYONE!!" I say as I install Jackbox on Dad's Xbox and give everyone the website to okay it in their phones.

—- time skip 1:30am —-

"Lilith... LILITH!" I wake her up. "Norman *Sehr schlagbares Gesicht... (very punchable face basically) I SWEAR SOMETIMES but you're my boyfriend's brother and I love you but why'd you have to wake me up?" She says. "I'm gay and Morgan is my boyfriend.." Lilith stands there just in shock. I just said that no hesitation and like no warning or anything. I just said it.. Lilith had tears in her eyes... "Ich werde dich immer unterstützen*.." She bc said quietly, she cried with me... and I've never ever seen her like this in my life.

The next day, we woke to the sound of a pan sizzling and someone humming, it was Pa cooking us breakfast. My nose twitched... 'Get up.. GET THE FUCK UP!' I try to force myself awake my eyes still feel so heavy but I get up eventually and sit at the table with Nathan, Alice, and Morgan but no Lilith? That's very strange but I need to tell Morgan I told her. "Hey Morgan?" He looked at me like in a way to say 'yeah?' "I told Lilith.." . He just deadass hugged me. No concern or no questions not even a hesitation before doing it. He just hugs me and I felt so safe so so safe.

I walk outside because I really just needed a morning smoke and I see Lilith drinking wine 9:30 IN THE FUCKING MORNING?! I can't be one to talk, I'm fuckin' smoking, with that, I'm also underage... I took out my cigarette and light it. Inhale. Exhale. "So I'm sorry about last night it was a lot to just say I'm sorry..". She says it's fine and not to worry and basically kind of comforts me to feel better. "But Norman what the fuck are you doing smoking?" She says and I responded with that it helps me my anxiety and that I've already almost finished a whole pack during the two days we've been here. "We got here yesterday tho.." she says. All I do is nod. She takes another sip "Your dad's wine taste is kinda shit. I'm not gonna lie." She says with a monotone look on her face. "I know right, I tried some of his back home when things were okay and it wasn't as good as my friend's dad's wine. It's not bad either, but I think he would just at least start saving for that No. 16 Cabernet that's coming out soon."

I hear footsteps... "NORMAN ALEXANDER ROVER!" It's Pa. I put out my cigarette and turn around and acknowledge him with a yes. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SMOKING GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" "Yes Pa..." I can't feel anything I'm so stoned I feel numb almost. Morgan stands there in the living room looking at me just scared but disappointed? I really can't tell right now but Pa just is yelling and yelling and all I want to do is eat my fucking bacon after a good ass smoke but Pa kept going on and Nathan and Lilith were watching while sipping Lilith's wine together awkwardly and Morgan just sipped on his coffee. "WHAT AM I GONNA TELL YOUR DAD?! THAT I WAS WATCHING YOU AND THE SECOND I TURN AWAY YOU'RE GETTING STONED?!?!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face but I just responded with a shrug and I then casually walked into the bathroom and he yells out for me. He smacks his hand to his face and says "What am I gonna do with him...." Pa sounded stressed out, I think it's my fault. While I'm here, I should at least call Maria and ask how she's doing while we're away.

I just stare at my self in the mirror and then that's when I see it. First aid kit with scissors. I start to reach for it.. 'Don't do it! It's not worth it!' I heard a voice in my head... I place the scissors down and see... a vision of my younger self? Am I high? "Are we high?" I look at little me and my heart drops. I say we are. "Is Alice and mom okay? What about dad? Have we seen him yet?" Tears start to fall. "They're all okay we dad is very happy with his new life and we don't have to worry about mom anymore and Alice is doing amazing" Little me smiles. "Is Morgan still coming by and helping??" "We live with him now away from mom and we like him like really like him." he says that's good... I really think I'm high... I hear Pa on the phone with dad "Your son caught some of his mom's habits I caught him fucking smoking a blunt this morning!" Alice does the knock pattern we made and sneaks in and no words just holds me how I used to hold her. I shut my eyes for a second and when I open them younger me is gone. "It's not your fault, Pa is just concerned but he doesn't know how to deal with it." She grabs my arms to look at them and make sure I didn't do anything. "I'm proud of you Norman I love you okay? You're my big brother understand?" I nod my head while sobbing. Morgan comes in "Hey it's okay look I got bacon!" I laugh a bit. "Here eat up and you can have this second bath of coffee I made" I thank him and Alice for all they've done. "Lukas, I love you so much but the thing is.. I've just never dealt with the kids before; and with Nathan and Lilith here I thought they could help you know? I just don't know what to do babe.." Pa feels bad. I can tell.... but it's okay I get it now he's never had kids so he doesn't know how to deal with all this. "I'm ready to just go out now I think.." They both nod and we walk out together. "Hey Lukas let me call you back later, alright? Love you babe bye." I hold Morgan's hand for support but Pa doesn't say anything he just walks away. Lilith and Nathan hug me and so does Morgan. Alice eventually joins in. "I'm taking these fucking suicide sticks away, Norman. Whenever you go out, one of us needs to be there okay?" I nod and then watch them cover it in water and then threw them out. I feel like I found my family at last, minus the fact my mom is probably being held in prison. I really hope Catherine goes to prison for what she's done.

- El fin. (For the time being)


"Ich werde dich immer unterstützen..." - I will always support you

"DUMMKÖFE!" - Dumbasses

*Sehr schlagbares Gesicht = very punchable face

(A/N: We have a TikTok!! It's called @/ilovehesavedme and once again, PLEASEE correct us if we got any translations wrong. We love you guys! Stay safe, healthy, take your vitamins, catch up on homework and stay tuned for the next chapter! 🫶🫶

-With love, Naevis and Mars Bars)

Word count: 1811 words

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