He Saved Me || Part 13: A Crime and A Can of Worms

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(A/N: Lilith's POV, by the way, stan Lilith /j)

"Nathaniel c'mon! We can't be late for this flight!" I shout from downstairs, while the TV plays softly in the background; The Last of Us is playing. Then I hear my boyfriend's footsteps... and a shit ton of bags, including my various self care kits. "Nate.... have mercy, c'mon, let's get going." I unlock the door and help him wheel our bags outside to our SUV. "Okay, so from what Morgan told me, his boyfriend's family is connected to a crime, drug dealing I--" I slam the door, he shouldn't be talking this damn much. "NATHANIEL PARKER QUINN! GET YOUR ASS IN THE DAMN CAR!" I shout. He received a text from Morgan saying that the flight was delayed due to computer issues. "We have time, now let's--" I shove him into the car and slam the passenger door. While I'm the who's driving, because Nathan has a very bad fear of driving (A/N from Naevis: I actually do have a fear of driving. Due to a lot of things-)  The drive wasn't long though.

𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔰𝔨𝔦𝔭, 𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔭𝔬𝔯𝔱 (Third person POV)

AS THEY got to the airport, Alice, Norman, and Morgan all waited. Alice heard the sound of heels clicking, it was Lilith and Nathan. "Excuse us for being late! Lilith exclaimed, waving at at them. "No you're completely fine, they had a little run-in with the computer system." Norman smiled and held Morgan's hand. "So, before we sit down, does anyone here need to charge any electronics?" Lilith grabbed her slightly big charging cube; making sure everyone had their devices charged. First, Norman checked his, 100%, then Alice, then Morgan. Everyone was fully charged, bags retrieved, and ready to crack open a can of worms. "Attention, passengers. The flight from Wishington, California to Oregon is now back in service. If you have booked a flight to said location, please proceed to these gates for entry..."  Alice blocked out the noise via her AirPods (A/N from Mars: Alice has autism. Low on the spectrum but is still sensitive to noise btw) as she trailed behind her older brother, Morgan, Nathaniel, and Lilith. As they made it to their terminal. And like that.... they made their way to the flight.

timeskip, plane, 5 pm-ish

"While were at it, how about we review what's going on currently..?" Morgan suggested. Nathaniel snored as Morgan tried to explain to the rest of the Scooby Doo Gang, as he was explaining, he got sleepy... and fell asleep for the rest of the flight. When the captain announced they would be going through turbulence... Norman was still wide awake, knowing this was his first ever flight.... but his ₜᵣₐᵤₘₐ was pouring into his mind again.... He remembers always coming home from school to only see Catherine smoking and watching Jersey Shore. That's where it hit him.

(A/N from Navi: They have a group chat called the Scooby Doo Gang, this is where the joke comes from.)

"Mom... I'm-" A glass bottle is thrown at him.. missing his eye. "Do your damn homework and don't disturb me you waste of space!" Catherine's words were slurred EVERY TIME she said that. Me and Alice only had one pair of headphones at the time and I always let her have it and give her tight hugs. That's the key. Tight hugs for Alice help her a lot it makes her feel like she's in her safe own little place where all the bad things are gone. That's what she told me once when we were kinda venting to each other. I love my sister, she is my favorite person in this whole world. Morgan shakes me out of my flashback and tells me we're gonna land soon.

Word count: 637

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