He Saved Me || Christmas special

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(A/N: this is set where Norman and Morgan are together)
Norman's POV:

It's the 24th of December and I wake up to Christmas music playing. I walk out the room to see Miss Maria making some food it smells amazing. I say my good mornings to people then I go to Morgan and give him a kiss and Alice does her usual fake throw up EVERY DAMN TIME we kiss even tho her and her girlfriend get drunk and make out every other day. I'm genuinely confused because everyone is happy theres music playing clearly and there's already more then 2 presents under the tree to unwrap. I ask Morgan "Hey man... 🤨 who are all the presents for? I thought it was gonna be me, you, miss Maria, Alice, your brother and his girl?" He looks at me and says "Yeah all those are for us?". Then, it hits him "HOLY SHIT YOU HAVENT HAD A PROPER CHRISTMAS YET?!" Then he grabs my arm and pulls me to the side and explains that usually that there is a few presents for each person there and that some people make big meals and celebrate with family and just so happy. I never experienced this before. I look up and read about mistletoe. I may not know much about Christmas but I do know that mistletoes mean that people kiss under it so I impulsively kiss Morgan and then suddenly my phone buzzes. It's dad. I answer the phone and say hello to hear his voice say "hello Norman, Merry Christmas" and I hear another man's voice say "Merry Christmas umm what his name hon?" "hon?" My mind starts to wonder and realize that it's Artemis my step dad!!... (A/N: Because he is gay :D)

Dad tells this man that my name is Norman and the man continues "Hello Norman Merry Christmas oh my goodness your dad talks about you all the time I'm so excited to see you one day". I smile because he's like the second parent I never had! "Hi dad and pa it's so awesome to hear you two are okay... I moved out the house and I'm with my boyfriend actually and his mom and don't worry Alice is here too." I say. "Alice my baby. Oh my goodness can I talk to her?" and I pass the phone to Alice and her and dad start to
talk. I turn to Morgan and I say "holy shit that was him and pa I haven't talked to them in so long .".

----------✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.  𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩, Christmas Day----------✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.

Morgan wakes me up at 6:30 in the morning I swear I was going to choke him out but it was worth it because we walked down and Nathan and his girl were there and we all sat down and opened presents and when we were all done opening them I see one gift unopened. It's from dad and Artemis. I call Alice over and we open it up and it's plane tickets to LA with a note saying "come visit us soon" and it was signed dad and pa. That night me and Alice said our goodbyes packed our bags and went to LA and once we landed and go to dad's house and met for the first time Artemis. Which he had long dark brown braids and brown eyes with glasses.... and he was African American and just like Anne with and E would describe; he had such amazing skin and.. he was so amazing. That Christmas was the best one I had ever had. But.. dad and pa had something to tell us, it was written all over Pa's face.... He seemed to have something to tell me and Alice. 


Word count: 631

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