He Saved Me || Part 15: Drug Bust, How it Came to Be (part one)

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Maria's POV (kind of a like backstory):

(MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING: Cursing, mentions of drugs, and homophobia)

The day finally came, the time I finally confront my 'old friend'. I knock on her door and she opens up. "Catherine Rover, we need to do a drug search." My eyes are focused and stern, at this point, I feel bad but at the same time I don't. "The hell are you doin' with the SWAT team... you goody-two-shoes lookin' brat?" Her eyes are red, her hair disheveled and her face looks beat up.

Catherine's words are slurred out... she looked high. I stepped into her home, along with some of the other officers and the trained drug dogs... it reeks of weed... and some other substances.... "Hey, Redfield, I found something." I grab the attention of my (best friend/crush) old friend, Mark Redfield as his drug dog found something as well. "The hell is this....? Magic Mushrooms?" His deep, slightly gravely voice echoed with concern.

An officer came downstairs with bottles of...! What?! "Catherine Rover, you're under arrest for illegal possession of drugs, You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." An officer handcuffed her. "GET OFF ME! YOU HAVE NO DAMN RIGHT TO SEARCH ME!" She resisted the officer that arrested her. She tried to break free... "I'M GONNA NEED BACKUP!" I say into my walkie talkie, then two more cops come in "HOLY SHIT!!" I say as she kicks me in the stomach. I hold down her stomach while Mark and Ally hold down her arms and the others hold down her feet.

That's when I see a little girl with big headphones on and a pink busted up night gown coming down the stairs when her brother snatches her and brings her back up. "GUYS! Get one of the dogs ready for if she breaks free I need to see something!"

They all nod and I dash upstairs "Hey.. you kids is that your mom?" They both slowly nodded and I pick them both up in my arms and I run them to a police car. "Stay here okay? Your mom's gonna be fine she's gonna go to this place that's gonna claim her (aka rehab)" They stay silent and as I try to take the little one's headphones off, her brother stops me; "No wait! She has Autism and she's sensitive to loud noises and I also don't want her to hear mom screaming!!" I look at the girl and she has her hands on the sides of the headphones and her eyes shut tight. I walk away and see they have one of her hands in cuffs and I help them get her other one in as well.

We pick her up and take her to a separate car and I tell Mark: "Hey, Imma take the kids in the station and see if I can have them stay with me and my two." he nods and I drive off with them to the station.

Timeskip, Station (A/N Naevis: Hey Alexa, play Smooth Operator by Sadé. <————)

Mark had gotten Catherine buzzed in, as her kids sat with me. I decided to ask them a question about their mother. "Young man?" I tap the older one's shoulder and he turns around but doesn't say anything, I go on. "You mentioned you have headphones on your sister because you don't want her to hear screaming so... I'm wondering does she do this often?" He nods slowly. Catherine.. what the fuck did you do to these kids. "I have a boy your age and then another that's 3 years older." He stays silent and just nods a bit. Allie walks in "Yo Quinn, Clarke said you can take them in until the mother's court date is decided." I tell her great and then tell the kids to follow me to my car.


"Mom who's this?" my oldest Nathan asked. "This is Norman and this is Alice they will be staying with us for a bit their mom is a... well.. old friend let's say." I say and Morgan runs up to Norman "HI HI HIIII YOUR HAIR IS SO WHITE MY GOODNESS!!" My small one Morgan says. "Oh, umm hi.. I have albinism but for some reason it's mainly my hair but I'm a bit pale too.." Norman says and his sister takes her headphones off "Mama gone?" The little girl says and her brother nods. "My room is all set up for you two-" Before we continued; the small girl tugged at my shirt "Can me sleep with you?" She said. "Sure umm uhh Alice?" She nods and we head to my room together and get ready to sleep and Morgan and Norman get ready together.

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