Chapter 41

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"Wow, we have quite an audience here," said Dani as she arrived at the training grounds. While they waited for Jae and the lyre, Ben invited Dani and Merula to practise for the final vault. What they weren't told was that Ben had invited a crowd.

"Nothing builds pressure like an audience-except maybe getting killed," said Ben. "So who wants to challenge me first?" He rounded to Merula. "The most powerful witch at Hogwarts who-FLIPENDO MAXIMA!" Ben reacted immediately to watching Merula put her hand inside her pocket. "At least you know Professor Murderer won't HESITATE to kill us all. Good."

Tonks stepped in. "Ben, look, I get being prepared for the worst, but school rules are here for a reason."

"Tonks, Rakepick killed someone and she'll ABSOLUTELY do it again-"

Dani finally said something. "Should we take this somewhere else? Like, just the three of us?"

Ben put down his wand. "Fine."

The crowd dispersed as Ben, Dani and Merula made their way back to the castle. "Guys, look, I know we all want to be prepared to face Rakepick," said Dani. "But we can't. For starters, Merula, you got into DEEP trouble when you used fiendfyre at school, but nobody will bat an eyelash if you use it on Rakepick-"

"That is, unless she casts crucio on you first," said Ben. "Like she did last time. And last last time."

Merula lost it. "Follow me!"

Merula led the Ben and Dani to the great hall, where Ben gave Dani a confused stare as Merula laid a scroll on the table. "This is a plan to sneak into Snape's office to steal veritaserum for the three of us."

"Veritaserum? Why?"

"Isn't there something you guys would like to ask me?"

"Actually, yes," admitted Dani. "Do you have a crush on Alex?" Merula blushed, and Dani continued. "You're welcome for not having to be hung by the wrists."

"I thought you guys would want to make sure I didn't go rogue or something."

Ben and Dani looked at each other and laughed. Ben reached out and patted Merula on the shoulder. "No. I might've gotten a bit too worried and I'm sorry. We should just focus on what matters-making sure nobody else gets hurt."

"I agree," said Merula, and Dani nodded.

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