The General Mahamatra.

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The sun peaked through the mountains, and shined alongside the tall, rich trees.

After a few sounds of bed sheets scrumbling against each other, and silent whines, Cyno's eyes fluttered open. The other part of his bed long cold, and empty.

It's not like he missed the sly fox, which he used to wake up to every morning, Cyno just didn't like the hollow feeling it left in his chest. Whenever Tighnari awoke early, and decided to leave to work on his 'bio-projects', Cyno was left with a strange feeling, to follow the boy. To have more of his presence.

Today was no different. Cyno ran his hand alongside the empty sheets, sighing into the silence of his own little hut. As his eyes crashed with the ceiling above the bed, he wondered. When was he able to leave Avidya Forest? When would his punishment end? What would he say, if Tighnari asked, the solo purpose of Cyno's herbitory stealing? How exactly would the forest rangers react, if they found out that their little prisoner was the general Mahamatra himself? How would Tighnari react to that?

With an annoyed groan, Cyno stuffed his face into the pillow, while wildly wiggling in his own bed. Too many thoughts, and way too small head.

Second of all, he wasn't allowed to go out on the patrol with Tighnari today, as he apparently had some important business to attend to. How dare they! Cyno is important as well! And so, his shift was put along with Collei's, who Cyno would go pick up some Lotus with later.

Just what type of important business was Tighnari attending to? Private patrol? That made Cyno cackle. With still visible confusion written all over his face, the general stretched his limbs, before the rushed hunt for his clothes began. He's late.


"This one should be the last one. I hope that Master will like these decorations." Collei huffed out, stretching her arms, yawning. It was around mid-afternoon, and Cyno's body was drowning in sweat. It was far too hot, and carrying heavy flowerpots all day would surely take something from your energy.

Cyno didn't miss the way Collei was constantly fidgeting with her fingers, always keeping her distance. It's always been like that, ever since his arrest. Was she perhaps still mildly afraid od him? Would Tighnari be as afraid as Collei, once he would find out the truth?

"Collei, tell me." Cyno spoke into the silence, grabbing the girl's attention. "Theoritically speaking, what if Tighnari actually believed both you and me. How would he act, towards the general Mahamatra himself?" He added.

Collei took some time to think, until her eyes lit up. "Hmm, I'm not exactly sure. I'm sorry, Sir. However, Master Tighnari isn't the type of person to believe rumours, nor treat people depending on their title. I strongly believe that, he would still see you as the same person." She giggled, her eyes adverting towards the ground. Her lips were curved into a teasing smile.

Cyno didn't understand why she giggled the entire way back.


The pair returned to Gandharva Ville, and whispers along with light giggles echoed throughout the small village. Collei gestured for Cyno to put the flowerpots nearby her hut, and with a soft groan, his job was finished for the day. The whispers and strange activity from his surroundings was considered suspicious in Cyno's eyes, however he decided on remaining silent about it.

"Now we can go greet Master! He should already be back by now." Collei cheerfully exclaimed, clapping her hands together. Cyno huffed out some air at that. "What was so important in the first case?" He questioned. Collei only raised her eyebrow at that. "Another large area of The Withering zone was found south east from here. The current vision holders that we have in the patrol right now would stand no chance against it, therefore Master Tighnari had to deal with it himself. I thought he told you?" She murmured the last sentence.

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