Behind the Horizons

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oh boy, im so sad to end this work, it was like my child, thank you all so much for your kind comments <3

smut warning!!! i'll make sure to mark where it starts though


The morning light peeking through the window filled the room with a warm and gentle atmosphere.

The sun's rays illuminated two men, lying in each other's arms on what used to be an empty bed.

Cyno gently stirred, shallow breaths brushing over his lover's neck as he slowly woke up. His arm instinctively tightened around Tighnari's waist protectively as he nuzzled into his hair playfully, before kissing that same spot tenderly again and again until the fox finally opened his eyes to face him.

Cyno smiled widely at this sight before teasing sweet nothings against Tighnari's skin, "Good morning." That same smile spread across his partner's lips as they shifted closer together.

Tighnari's face was tightly pressed into Cyno's chest, breathing in the scent of his beloved.

Cyno smiled at the gesture.

Suddenly, soft sniffling and hiccuping came from the boy nuzzled into his chest. Worry filled Cyno's face, "Nari? Is everything fine? Did I do anything? Do your wounds hurt? I tried my best to take care of them –"

His voice was shortly cut off; followed by a pair of lips chasing his own. Tighnari was indeed crying – but those weren't the tears of sadness.

"Is everything bad over now?"

He asked.

Cyno only smiled in responsive, lovingly caressing Tighnari's ears, "It's all over now."

Tighnari breathed out against Cyno's collarbone, relaxing into his lover's embrace. He had so many questions – regarding what happened to the Akademiya, and what happened to his status, but he decided to ask later, not wanting to interrupt this gentle and loving morning.

Cyno looked over to Tighnari, admiring his beauty in the morning light. In response, Tighnari opened one eye and beamed a smile at him, knowing he had been caught stealing glances of his own mesmerizing gaze.

"You know what day it is?" Cyno asked with laughter in his voice, Tighnari feigned ignorance but failed hide his grin; this was their morning tradition after all.

"It's teasing day!" he exclaimed before launching into playful banter about how beautiful Tighnari was - by far outshining any sunrise that ever happened.

Any attempt on Tighnari's part for rebuttal only produced fits of giggles from both parties, until finally breaking away into an embrace so tight there were no longer stars or moon shining in their eyes – only each other now mattered among the warmth, that filled them up inside.

They kissed slowly and tenderly as if not wanting time to move forward.

Cyno carefully lifted Tighnari from the bed – making the boy craddle his hips.

The two kissed, as Cyno's thumb gently stroked loving circles into Tighnari's hip. He in response placed both of his palms on Cyno's cheeks, gently stroking his lover's face.

Tighnari's eyelashes fluttered against Cyno's own, who seemed to be flabbergasted by Tighnari's beauty. The sun enveloping his lover made him look beautiful – more beautiful than any Archon out there.

Smut start

Cyno's hands wandered more down, resting on the soft ass of Tighnari's. He kneaded the flesh like a soft dough, earning a light gasp from his lover.

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