Duel Between a Fox and a Wolf

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mwhahaha im so evil for the last cliffhanger

so you get another cliffhanger in return 😊


Cyno stared idly at the many papers on his desk, trying desperately to avoid his work. It seemed impossible to think now. Or at least to think about anything other than Tighnari. Cyno's heart ached, trembled and strained, but he chose to ignore the pain. He couldn't let his enemies see him in a weak condition.

A soft knock at the door interrupted his thoughts, and with the entry of a servant, Cyno's eyes located the odd envelope held by the man.

Cyno quickly dismissed the servant and looked at the suspicious looking envelope. It appeared to be a letter of great importance, for the postmark was addressed directly to Cyno. The sender was unknown, but Cyno's curiosity still got the better of him.

Who could the sender be? Someone with a high-ranking stamp sent directly to Cyno?

When Cyno opened the envelope, his eyes widened in shock. Immediately, a lock of green hair fell out of the envelope, followed shortly by a pair of very familiar ear piercings.

Cyno fell off his chair. He couldn't breathe, he just couldn't. He struggled to helplessly gasp for air, but none of it seemed to reach his lungs. His heartbeat was getting faster and faster as the panic attack got the best of him.

He had a tight grip on his desk, crushing the wood with his fist. He saw dark spots in the field of vision that threatened to render him unconscious. His stomach swelled and knotted, he felt so heavy.

His heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest, and his mind raged with complete numbness. He could think of absolutely nothing. He kept gasping helplessly for air, his eyes widening in horror.

Cyno was shaking, he was shaking so much. A compact bit of air finally made its way down Cyno's throat directly into his lungs, the sudden movement making him gag and cough.

His mind refused to calm down, his body refused to calm down.

Cyno used all his strength to pull the envelope closer to him, and he felt his stomach tighten every time he looked into it

Finally, he had enough courage to take the strand of hair in his hand, its smooth and shiny texture deemed to be very similar to Cyno. He'd stroked and brushed it so many times that it was impossible not to recognize it

Cyno's trembling fingers clutched the lock of hair tightly and reached carefully for the neatly arranged letter inside. A few bloodstains stained the paper, making the color in Cyno's face disappear completely.

As his eyes looked at the words and phrases, another liquid stained the paper. It was Cyno's own tears, and he couldn't stop them from flowing from his eyes.

He was holding a suicide note in his hand.

A sharp pain suddenly pierced Cyno's heart, causing him to roll back his eyes and let out a loud, pained cry. It hurt. It hurt so much. Cyno had never felt so much pain. He screamed in pain and pressed his hands tightly to his chest

Did Tighnari take his own life because of Cyno? Yes, of course. It was all Cyno's fault. Meeting Tighnari, falling in love with him, it was all a mistake. If Cyno hadn't been born in the first place, Tighnari might've still been alive. Everything was Cyno's fault. Cyno knew that his hands were stained with blood, but that blood belonged to his enemies,

Today, they were stained with the blood of his lover.


The last scream of a dying man echoed through the now empty room, blood splattered everywhere on the walls.

Under The Foxes Gaze | CynoNari ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon