"Maybe In a Different Timeline."

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The first rays of the sunlight shined through the window, illuminating the room in beautiful orange. Dust danced in the direct beams, falling onto the wooden flooring with ellegance.

Tighnari's knees were tucked beneath him, as his sleepless eyes examined the ground. Dried tears no longer stinged his cheeks, and the redness under his eyes made his nights activities extremely obvious.

He hasn't moved ever since Cyno left, he just sat there, in complete silence the entire night. Cyno was gone, and Tighnari knew he wasn't coming back. He was his happiness, his everything.

Tighnari should've expected this to come. Should've expected Cyno to leave eventually. He was a fool for letting himself get attached, for letting himself fall in love. His mind screamed at him to move on, to go on with his duty as a captain, and never get involved with anyone romantically ever again, but his heart screamed differently at him.

He knew that he would never stop loving Cyno, no matter how long they would be apart, or that they would never drown in each other's warmth again. Maybe Cyno would forget him, Tighnari hoped Cyno would forget him. He wanted Cyno to be happy, and he didn't care if he was the cause of the happiness, or someone else.

Tighnari's wound ached, it hurt awfully. Any normal person would've crashed to the ground by now, grabbing their wound from it's pain. But right now, the pain in his heart ached much more, making his wound silently buzz in the background.

It's been a few hours since he's been like this. At first his mind was racing around like crazy, desperately searching for a way to get Cyno to come back, but eventually, all those voice faded away. There was nothing left, and all the tears were replaced with alarming silent numbness. Because this time, Tighnari didn't cry, he didn't feel anything; and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

Cyno's black robe was still neatly tucked on Tighnari, nothing else beneath. It still smelled like Cyno.

Tighnari finally took a glance around the room, noting the position of every single item of Cyno's that he left behind. Everything screamed Cyno at him. There was an odd coldness on Tighnari's chest; he lifted the collar of the robe, spotting a stone, shaped in the form of a heart. Tighnari felt his heart ache once again. It was Cyno's gift. Symbol of their love.

Tighnari hooked his finger around the thin string, ripping the gadget off himself. The coldness on his chest was replaced with a burning flame from the inside. He felt furious, repulsed. He clenched his fist on the gadget, getting back on his foot. The ache of his wound didn't bother him anymore, it was as if his entire body went numb along with him.

He immediately rushed to the window, pointing to the downfall of a pond. "I don't need this anymore," he gritted out in anger, motioning his wrist in a throw.

He couldn't do it.

Tighnari fell on his knees once again, one hand still wrapped around the window outline. His palm tightly held onto the stone, as his ears went flat against his hair. He couldn't do it. Cyno wasn't here anymore, yet he couldn't erase the last traces of him, even if that was the easier thing to do.

"Why can't I just forget you?"

He asked through a muffled sob, placing a palm over his mouth; weeping into the black robes, inhaling Cyno's scent.

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