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Was someone shaking? "Sonia? Are you awake now?" Kenma said while shaking me. "Can you help me with Yamamoto? He's acting crazy and Kuroo can't control him." "Really? That's what you woke me up for?" I said sarcastically before covering myself with the blanket. Kenma put his head under the blanket and whispered in my ear. "He stole your books."

I got up and got myself a pan from the kitchen before finding Yamamoto. When I saw him, I yelled, "YAMAMOTO GIVE ME MY BOOKS YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" "AYE YOU BETTER DON'T HIT ME WITH THAT!" He yelled. "Yamamoto please sit down." Kuroo said, trying to calm himself down. I was about to hit Yamamoto with the pan before someone grabbed it. I turned around to see Kenma.

"He doesn't actually have your books." "YOU LIED?!" "Only for you to calm down Yamamoto. He told me it was a dare for some reason." I looked at Kenma before turning to Yamamoto who was holding the pan that Kenma just had in his hand. "Yamamoto. Put the fucking pan down. You're gonna waste that precious energy when we have a practice game today."

"Well, you're right about that but I'm getting fired up to kick Karasuno's ass!" I sighed before walking up to him and pulling him down to my height. "If you like, I will push this pan up your ass, that it might come out of your mouth; or better yet, you might just like it." "As if I'm gonna be scared or your ass— OKAY I'LL STOP!" He yelled when I grabbed the broom handle.

For a few hours, Yamamoto calmed down but it was a relief when he didn't take any of my books. As we walked to the gymnasium, we met up with the Karasuno team. Their Ace rather looked like some giant from my height. That's when I saw Shoyo come up to Kenma in shock. "You're on team Nekoma?! How come you didn't tell me?"

"You um, didn't ask?" That was until Yamamoto spoke. "What's your problem with our setter? You guys business with em?" "Well city boy, wait till I rip your brush head off of your skull if you dare mess with the shrimp!" I sighed before speaking up. "Yamamoto, calm down. Stop getting so tough up for their manager."

"Tanaka, stop saying city boy, nobody says that. You sound stupid when you say that." Karasuno's vice captain spoke. I went up to him and apologized. "I'm very sorry for him. He was just too excited for the Trash Can showdown." "Yeah, same. I'm sorry about ours, too." I shook hands before leading into the gymnasium.

"You must be Nekoma's manager, correct?" A girl with beautiful shoulder length black hair and blue eyes asked. "Yes I am. You must be Karasuno's manager. Katsura Sonia." "Kiyoko Shimizu. It's nice to meet you." I nodded before shaking hands with her.

— — —

The game ended with us taking the two sets. Shoyo and Karasuno's setter has some crazy quick attacks but it was easy to read as a kids book. "Kenma! How did it feel to win?" Shoyo asked. "Eh, it was the same. But it was okay to see such skill as yours." Kenma replied. "Next time, I'll make you want to win; then, we can win together!" I smiled, seeing the sportsmanship. "Okay. I'll be waiting."

I turned around to see Kuroo and Yamamoto acting weird to Karasuno's team. "Tetsuro! Yamamoto! Behave yourself!" They ignored me. I walked over to Yamamoto and pulled him away and slapped Kuroo behind his head. "I'm sorry for Tetsuro and Yamamoto's behavior. I promise it won't happen again." They nodded before we waved goodbye and left to the training camp.

"Are you okay? Do you need water?" I asked Kenma. "I'm fine. Just need some rest." He replied. "Way to go Nekoma! You all did an amazing job out there." Kuroo announced. "For this win against Karasuno, we will go out for dinner; it's on me as a treat." Everyone cheered but I didn't notice someone sat beside me. They laid their head in my lap before I moved my book to see Kenma. "What?" He said with a confused look on his face.

"I didn't realize you were in my lap." I said before going back to my book. "Katsura! Kenma! Go get dressed!" Kuroo yelled. "Okay fine!" I yelled back. Kenma stayed still in my lap as I tried to move him off. "Kenma please, we need to get dressed." "Okay. But, you're helping me with this level after." I nodded before we both headed to our room.

— — —

Walking to the restaurant, I noticed something weird was going on in the area. There were a lot of men. Kenma seemed to also notice as he interlocked his hand with mine. "Stay close." He whispered into my ear. As we sat down at our table, we looked at what we wanted to order.

Waiting for our food, a group of men sat behind us. One was right behind me while he put his hands behind his back, reaching for my hair. "Um, excuse me? Can you please stop touching me?" "Oh sorry sweetheart, I didn't notice." He then started to touch my hair again before I decided to switch seats with Kenma.

"Hey, can I get your number?" The same man asked me, giving me a weird ass smile. "Um, how about no." Kenma got involved with the conversation. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Her boyfriend?" "Yo what the fuck are you tryna pull on my cousin?" Kuroo got up and went to their table. "Brother, I was asking her for her number. Nothing serious."

"Alright Nekoma! Change of plans, we're gonna go back to the training camp with our food." Nubuyuki said. He talked with a waiter till Kuroo went bizarre on the man. "And don't even think about touching her!" "But I already did, buddy." I turned to Kuroo before he could speak again. "Tetsuro! He only touched my hair; that's it."

It looked like he was about to hit the man before the waiter tried to break it up. "Hey, are you alright?" Kenma asked, slightly holding my hand. "Yeah.. I never experienced this ever. It just feels so weird, you know?" Soon after we got our food for takeout and walked back to the training camp. Looked like Kuroo wanted to knock that guy's whole teeth out.

As we sat down, we ate and chatted for a bit before Lev decided to play some game. "Since it's our last day here at the training camp, why don't we play truth or dare?" "Yo bro, that sounds lame. But I'm down." Yamamoto said. As we took turns, I was asked truth or dare. Of course I picked dare. "I dare you to... kiss the person next to you. On the lips. " Yamamoto said. I was at the end of the table and next to me was Kenma.

Kenma and I looked away flustered before I felt a hand on my face. "Let's just get this over with." As we leaned in closer and closer, we got even more flustered before our lips met. Everyone was cheering before Yamamoto started to fake cry. "I wish I was in your place Kyanma!" "Oh Yamamoto, leave them alone." After dinner, we all went to our rooms and Kenma and I didn't say a word to each other. It was still embarrassing; even in front of your own cousin.

Word Count: 1260

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