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It's been a whole year and a half and graduation is today. "Are you nervous?" Kuroo asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Kinda. It's just too many people in the crowd looking at you." That's when I felt Kenma's hand holding mine. "We're gonna be just fine. Just do what we gotta do." "Says Mr. Kodzuken here." I said. Our names were called as we walked on stage and shaked our teachers' hands; we made speeches to the underclassmen before Kuroo held up a sign that said 'I'm So Proud Of You Katsura & Kyanma!'.

We got off stage as I hugged Kenma. "Why was that so nervous? I also slipped up." He chuckled before hugging back. "You did amazing. That's what matters." Kuroo then joined the hug, which he looked like he was crying. "I just can't believe you three are now graduated." Auntie said, also joining the hug. After the whole ceremony ended, we emptied our lockers and said our final goodbyes to our teachers.

"We're going out for dinner! It's on me." Auntie said. We all smiled as we walked to a rather fancy dinner. "One of my co worker's husband owns the restaurant. Don't worry about the prices." As Kuroo sat next to auntie, Kenma and I sat across from them. When we placed our orders in, the old volleyball team was here. "Hey Kuroo!" Yamamoto yelled. We all waved before we saw him with... a girl?

"Who's that girl Yamamoto is with?" Kuroo asked. Kenma and I shrugged our shoulders before our food arrived.

— — —

As I attended University, I enrolled into the Financial course. Growing up, I was always into finances; so I decided to become an accountant. During that time, I had my own house with a part time job and Sakumo staying with me for company. Well, Hana and Kaiden are having some problems at the moment. "Be safe auntie!" Sakumo said before I rushed off to work.

Since it was his birthday the next day, I wanted to get that headset he always wanted. He was always talking about this new streamer who was a University student and a CEO of a private company called Bouncing Ball.Co. That man must be lucky with all the money in the world.

Coming from work, I saw a man in a vehicle, in front of my house who drove off as I got a weird feeling. "How was work auntie?" Sakumo said, opening the door for me. "I just got home." He added. "It was good, do you know by any chance who that man in the vehicle that just drove off is?" "Oh yeah! He asked for you but I told him you weren't home yet so he gave me his business card and wanted to let you know to call him when you have time."

Sakumo handed over the card as it said 'Bouncing Ball.Co."Isn't that business that your favorite streamer is the CEO of? Is he trying to offer me a job?" He shrugged his shoulders as we headed inside. Sakumo and I always have a game where whoever comes home first will cook dinner. Since Sakumo just came home, I decided to take his turn for tonight.

"Auntie, please let me help you." "I'm okay. Wash up and dinner will be ready soon." Sakumo nodded before heading upstairs. When dinner was done, I saw Sakumo's phone lit up. I picked it up to see a notification from YouTube about a new stream.

Notification: YouTube

Kodzuken is live! "bought a new cat"

Wasn't that the nickname I gave him during graduation? He used it? I placed the phone down and grabbed two plates with utensils and napkins. As I settled the food on the table, Sakumo helped me with the plates and other things. "You got a notification on your phone, dear." I said as he turned his phone on to see the notification. "He bought a new cat? You love cats auntie! He even got the one that looks like you." That caught my attention; but it's dinner.

"I'll look at the stream after dinner. You can watch the stream though." I said before taking a bite of chicken.

— — —

After I washed the dishes, I remembered the stream so I went to my office and turned my computer on. I then saw the business card on my desk from earlier. Guess Sakumo put it here before he took his shower. I logged in and went to YouTube, typed in his username to be surprised he was still live. I clicked the video to see a whole setup on the screen.

Katsura Sonia has joined the stream! Say hi

"Hello... Katsura Sonia? Familiar.." Familiar? He looks different! Well not that different, only his hair and probably the LED lights in the background. I decided to leave a message on the chat with a donation.

Donation from: Katsura Sonia ¥2500

Long time no see. Your hair looks different.

"Wait, huh?" The only thing he said. It took him a couple seconds to speak again. "Call me then." The chat then blew up. "AUNTIE ARE YOU IN THE LIVE?!" Sakumo yelled from his room. "YEAH!" I yelled back. I then saw a paper slip on my desk. It was a number that said 'call me now'. I dialed the number and it rang for a bit. I then heard a phone ringing from the stream.

The phone then picked up as Kodzuken muted his mic on the stream. "Why call me when I'm streaming?" He said. I stayed quiet before answering. "You said to call you when I have time." I looked at the screen to see him surprised. "Your voice is different. More.. pleasure— never mind. I'm going to save your number and call you after the stream." He said before hanging up and unmuting his mic back.

What was he going to say? I then heard footsteps coming towards me to see Sakumo. "You talked with THE Kodzuken?!" "Yeah, he sounds like his voice changed and his hair. I'm going to wash up." He nodded before leaving.

Word Count: 1018

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