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- Unknown Girl -

"Hey! Get back here!" 

Adrenaline coursed through her veins as a thin layer of sweat covered the nape of her neck. Keeping her breathing steady, she pushed harder and went faster. Her shoes pounded heavily against the ground, causing mud to splash up her leg as leaves crunched underneath her feet. Darting past concerned people, rundown houses and swaying trees. The wind whipped her hair back from her face as she continued to course forward.

"Oi! Come back!"

A soft chuckle vibrates through her chest as cold air bit into her lungs. She continued running for what seemed longer than it should've, coming close encounter with a dirty run down fence. The girl's hands grasped onto the wall as she used her upper body strength to leap over it in once swift motion.


She risked a glance behind her to see the overweight security officer come to a halt at the fence as he tried to call after her, giving up on the chase.

"Better luck next time Gary!" She chuckled as she continued to thrust forward, oblivious to her surroundings while making faces at the officer, letting out a grunt when she bumped into someone else.

"Hey! Watch where you're going" She refocused her vision to see a tall blond boy standing over her, an annoyed but concerned expression planted across his face.

"Sorry, sorry" The girl apologised as she rubbed her temples, her lips pursed as a frown set across her face.

"Hey, you're Rafe's bit-" Frantically glancing behind her, the girl watched as the other, thinner, officer hurry over the fence.

"Shit" She cursed as she tried to push past the blond boy, ignoring whatever he just said as she went to pick up her feet again.

"Hey, are you okay?" A girl appeared next to the boy, a large milkshake in her hands as her eyes flicked over the frantic girl. She stood with wavy brunette hair as she flicked it over her shoulder.

"I need a favour" The girl turned towards the two strangers, hoping some randoms would help some girl they've never met. "Please?" The two teens gazed behind the girl, noticing an officer coming straight for her.

The two gave each other small looks of reluctance. "Get in" The blond determinedly spoke, sliding open a van door as the two hurried inside, the new girl not far behind.

"Yo, who's this?" A brunette boy with a mop of hair spoke from the drivers seat, sharing a look of confusion and worry with his friends as the darker brunette next to him did the same.

"Drive!" The girl shouted in unison to the others. The brunette did as told without hesitation, stepping on the gas pedal as he tried to speed off down the road.

"Stop!" The officer called, lunging forward as he grabbed hold of the girls leg, nearly pulling her out of the van. The blonde yelped in shock at the sudden grasp at her ankle, squirming to kick her foot out of his grasp. The officer stumbled over a rock as he tripped and rolled onto the rough gravel below, yelling after the group of teenagers who sped down the road. The blonde girl frantically slid the door shut as she tried to catch her breath, her arms propped up behind her for support.

"Oh my god" The wavy haired brunette puffed out as she placed her hand on her chest, sharing looks of relief with the rest of the group.

"What the hell was that?" The darker brunette questioned in shock from the passenger seat, trying to wrap his head around the fact some stranger jumped into his van and nearly got yanked out of the moving vehicle.

"They never catch me" The girl chuckled quietly to herself, oblivious to the group of four teens staring at her in astonishment. "Thank you for helping me back there" She puffed out as she fixed her position on the floor of the van, leaning up against the passenger seat.

"No problem" The only other girl in the van commented in a sarcastic sort of way, staring at the newcomer in disbelief but wonder. "Why were they chasing you?"

"Because they think I'm some fucked up teen, but really, I'm not" She told the group without hesitation as she flicked her hair over her shoulder.

"You must of done something pretty bad to have both of them chase you around town" The darker brunette commented from the passenger seat, resting his arm on the chair as he turned to engage in the conversation.

"Yolo dude" The blonde girl shrugged with a smirk, earning a slight smile from the only other blonde in the car.

"You look vaguely familiar" The brunette girl hummed as she furrowed her eyebrows to put a name on the girl. The blonde shrugged as she snuck a glance out the window to make sure no one else was following them.

"I feel like I've seen you somewhere before" The darker boy agreed as he kept his eyes on the girl, trying to figure out where he'd seen her.

"I doubt it" The girl commented with a sigh, slumping back down against the passenger seat. "I don't usually come into town, let alone, this side of the island"

"Kook alert" The blond boy muttered under his breath with an eye roll, earning a slight groan from the driver.

"No but I recognise you from somewhere" The brunette girl continued, determined to figure out where she knew her from.

"Y'all shes Rafe's bi-"

"I'm Kiara" The brunette girl held out her hand to the stranger, trying to be as friendly as possible as she obliviously cut off the blonde boy. "Or Kie for short" She shrugged with a soft smile.

"Hi Kiara" The blonde nod with a smile as she took her hand, lightly shaking it before letting go.

"This is JJ" She introduced the blonde sitting next to her, earning a small nod but nothing more. The girl pursed her lips as she returned the smile, the air suddenly becoming tense and awkward.

"I'm Pope" The darker boy smiled a toothless smile, a little skeptical towards the random girl who jumped into the van to escape cops.

"And that's-" Kiara lingered on the last word as she waited for the brunette driver to introduce himself.

"John B" The driver nod in affirmation as he kept his gaze on the road, shooting a small piece sign in between the two seats up front.

"Sweet ride by the way" The unknown girl complimented as she flicked her eyes over the many stickers stuck around the interior, small hula bobble heads lined against the console as a sudden bump in the road make them shake like crazy.

"Thanks" John B perked from the front as he flicked one of the bobble heads.

"And you are?" Kiara questioned with a small movement of her hands as she waited for an introduction of response.

"Oh sorry" She chuckled as she sat up right on the floor. "I'm Sofi, Sofi Routledge"

authors note

thank you for all the love on this book on my tiktok!!
i'm so excited to be posting the first chapter of this book <33 i hope y'all enjoyed it

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