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-  Graveyard Experiences -


"Please" Sofi pleaded as she shut the door behind her, plopping down onto her brothers bed with a sigh. "I need to know"

Diego sighed as he sat opposite her at the head of the bed, looking down at the rings on his fingers. "She left when I was 5" He began. "I don't remember much of her but I know she had long, dark hair and the toothiest smile" He slightly chuckled at the memory. "She was always in the library, reading books or studying animals, god she loved animals"

Sofi began to tear up at her brothers memories of her mom, although he was keeping his gaze on his hands, Sofi was smiling admirably at him.

"She also loved the water, and dad, she loved dad with her whole heart. There were only two people she loved more than him, and that was us" By this point he had finally lifted his head to gaze upon his sister. "Sofi she loved you, so much" A gentle tear ran down the girls face as she sadly chuckled. "Than one day she just up and left... dad was heartbroken, he didn't talk to us as often, began to lock himself away. We didn't do much but sit in front of the tv all day and survive on our owns. I had to learn how to make food for the both of us and Uncle Josh would visit us monthly to check up on us"

"Do- do you know if she had any others?" Sofi questioned as she lowered her head, partly scared to ask.

"Other than us?" Diego questioned as if confirming he heard that right. "No.. no not that I know of. We were her only kids"

"But- but what if we weren't?"

"What?" Diego shot as he furrowed his brows, confused and scared. "What do you mean?"

Sofi sighed as she pulled out the photo of her and John B from her back pocket, placing it on the bed as Diego took it reluctantly.

"Is that- you?" He frowned as he ran his thumb over the little girl. Sofi nod in reply as she bit her bottom lip. "Who's that?" He asked, pointing to the little boy.

"John B"

Diego lifted his head. "Who?"

"I met a group of pogues and one of them had the same last name as me, as us" She began to explain, her fingers becoming shakey. "He thought it meant something but I told him it was just a coincidence. He began to dig deeper and found this photo, he showed me and said he thought it was me. I remember seeing that photo somewhere before and found the exact same one in my room. Which means, that is me"

Diego began to stare absentmindedly at the photo, trying to take in everything he had just heard, it all becoming overwhelming and too much. "Who's that then?" He questioned as he pointed to the man in the back.

Sofi sighed. "John B's dad" Diego just stare at her in shock and confusing.

"Jo- John B's dad?"


"Wait so-" He ran a hand down his head as he squeezed his eyes shut as if to process everything. "So you and this pogue have the same photo, meaning the little kids are you two, if his dad is in the back, and you have the same last name, and you're in the same photo, does that mean-"

"I- I don't know" Sofi shrugged with a pouted lip. "I don't know"


"You'll think she'll come back?"

"She has to" JJ determined as he threw and caught a can of beer in his hand.

"She's one of us" Kie agreed as she rose a hand. "She'll come around"

𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 | 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞/𝐉𝐉Where stories live. Discover now