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Same Old Patterns -

For about 10 minutes she sat on John B's couch with her head in her hands, contemplating what she should do and where she should go. She didn't take off her shoes and sprawl across the couch like she would usually do at the Château, or grab some food or grab things from his cupboards, instead she sat awkwardly in the same corner of the couch and didn't move. She didn't feel welcome, like an outsider or intruder. So when John B got home it was even more awkward.

He threw the Twinkie keys onto the messy table, his eyes glued on his phone. By now Sofi was standing uncomfortably in the middle of the room. John B looked up, then did a double take to make sure he was really seeing her there.

"Hey" She started softly, pulling down the sleeves of her hoodie.

"Uh, hey" John B frowned slightly in confusion as he did a quick look around. "You here by yourself?"

"JJ was here not long ago, but he left so yeah, by myself" She told him with a slight nod and pursed lips.

"Right" He mirrored her nodding as he placed his phone down. "You uh- wanna stay the night?"

"If that's okay" She said quickly, biting down on her bottom lip as John B nodded aggressively. "Hey, I- uh, i'm really sorry. I shouldn't of said that stuff before and I didn't mean it"

The brunette began to shake his head. "If anything it's my fault, I pushed you away and I really didn't mean what I said. Sof i'm really happy you're my sister, even if it was unexpected and complete chaos. If it's anyone, i'm glad it's you"

Sofi had nothing to say after that, she pouted her bottom lip and smiled gently, pushing past the table to wrap her arms around his neck. "I love you" The words just came out, she didn't mean for them to spill, but she truely meant it.

"I love you too" John B whispered back.

The next day after she got home, Rafe offered her a place to stay, and for some reason she couldn't say no. She suddenly felt the need to be with him, deciding to give John B some space.

She began to throw stuff into her bag randomly, oblivious to a certain blond pogue climbing through her window. She turned around in shock, staring at him for a while before returning to her packing as if he wasn't there.

"Sofi?" JJ tried hopelessly, invisible to her eye. "Sof, talk to me" Again she didn't answer, biting her bottom lip as she grabbed her perfume from her table. "What are you doing?" He asked curiously, watching her frantically gather her stuff. This time he got an answer.

"You know, just soaking in the kook life" She replied hastily. But it wasn't the answer he wanted.

JJ sighed hardly. "I didn't mean that"
"I shouldn't of said that stuff before and I didn't mean it"

She stopped moving around as she thought about the exact same words she said yesterday. No, this was different. Was it?

"Sure seemed like you did" She answered regrettingly.

"Sof- can you-" He tried to gain her attention by standing in front of her, forcing her attention to him. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean that, you know I didn't"

She nearly gave in, but caught herself last second. "Okay, I need to go"

"What- Where are you going?" He questioned with furrowed brows.

"I'm staying with Rafe" She shrugged as she swung her bag over her shoulder.

JJ stood shocked as he stare at the girl. "Are you joking?"

"I'm not" She pursed her lips with a shake of her head.

"Sof, what the hell" He scoffed as he shook his head disbelievingly, peeling off his hat. "John B said you guys are good, why can't you stay at the Château?"

"Because Rafe's still my boyfriend" She shrugged unfazed.

"Who you're cheating on"

"Why does it matter, it's not like you care" Sofi trailed off as she shut the door behind her, leaving the blonde to stand speechless in the middle of the room.

It wasn't a far walk from hers to the Camerons, she enjoyed the warm summer sun and chirping birds on her way there.

Once reaching Tanny Hill, she stood hesitantly for a moment at the door, a thousand thoughts flooding her mind that she couldn't control.

She didn't know how to explain it. It felt somewhat comfortable, serene but also guilty and wrong at the same time. She was longing for his touch but also dreading it and missing someone else at the same time.

Her knuckles rasped at the door, sighing heavily as she grasped at the straps of her bag. Rafe answered the door not long after, his face washing over with relief and pure happiness.

"Hey" He smiled gently as he pulled her close, wrapping his arms under hers. "You okay?"

She sighed again, but this time to let the anxiety out. "Yeah i'm good"

"Sarah's baking cookies, you want some?" He questioned as he wrapped his arm around her should, leading her inside.

"Hell yeah" She chuckled, placing a quick kiss to his cheek before they entered the kitchen.

"Sofi!" Sarah squealed as she ran out from behind the counter to embrace her into an enthusiastic hug. "Want a cookie?"

"I would never say no to that question" She joked as she dropped her bag to the floor, letting Sarah lead her behind the counter and shove a cookie in her hand.

"I'll take this up to your room" Rafe offered as he held up her bag.

"Thank you" Sofi replied between mouthfuls before returning her attention back to Sarah. "Holy shit this is good"

The girl giggled as she waved a dismissive hand at her. "So, how are things?"

"They're... fine, I guess" She shrugged in reply, wiping the cookie crumbs off her mouth.

"Why? What's been happening?" Sarah asked curiously with furrowed brows.

"Oh, you know" She shook her head as she tried to come up with an excuse.

"I don't know" Sarah mirrored her movements as she began to shake her head.

Sofi sighed. "Just stuff with.. friends"

"What friends?" She inquired, getting more curious by the amount of questions the girl wasn't answering.

"Sofi!" Rafe's voice called from upstairs.
Saved by the bell.

"Be right back" She stated quickly, suddenly being so glad to get out of that kitchen.

"Sofi!" Rafe called again, his voice echoing through the house.

"I'm coming!" She yelled back. "Jeez" Taking the steps two at a time, she rushed towards the sound of his voice, finding Rafe standing in the guest room. "What's up" His back was to her but now he had turned to face her, his eyes glued to something in his hands.

"What, the fuck, is this?" He spat, rage furrowing in his eyes. Her heart dropped into her stomach as he turned the phone around. She couldn't see what he was showing her but she didn't need to, all that mattered was JJ's contact number at the top.

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