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- Midsummers P2 -

Night fell quickly like a dark blanket being wrapped around the earth, every tiny pinprick in the sky suddenly became visible as they sparkled against the darkened canopy.

Sofi hadn't really spoken to the pogues much as she was too scared of getting caught. She mostly hung around Sarah or her brother, making fun of the old rich people like they had nothing better to do.

She saw her dad a couple times but he was too busy mingling with the crowd and she had hardly saw Rafe at all, which she thought was weird.

Sarah had asked her to dance, which she graciously did so. The two danced like an old married couple and laughed until their stomachs ached. They were a little drunk so it was always funniest when they bumped into an actual old married couple who complained about their state (and dancing).

"I'm gonna go get some water" Sofi puffed out as she pushed her hair behind her shoulder. "Want anything?"

"I'm good" Sarah giggled as she spun her around. "Don't be long"

"I won't" She promised as she slipped away towards the bar. She heavily sighed as she took a seat behind the counter after ordering a water, giving herself a quick break.

Her break was shortly interrupted by a yell and murmured whispers. "Look... look, man, I can walk myself. I got legs. Can you see that, brother?"

She has never jumped out of her seat faster than what she just did, spinning around to see JJ being hauled out of the midsummers venue by a serious looking security guard.

"Mr. Dunleavy, I see you got your drink. Good, that's really nice of you. I'm actually gonna down that" JJ basically told the old man as he cupped at his drink and chugged it down. Sofi stared at him with widened eyes and a bewildered expression.

"What the hell's the matter with him?" The man shot with an even bigger bewildered expression.

"Aah! Whoo!" JJ yelled as he strained in the officers grasp, he was definitely not sober and causing a huge scene. "It's okay, everybody! Do not panic!" He announced as loud as he could, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and turn their attention to him. "Leave it to the men and women in uniform. Let's hear it for them" He clapped before pointing towards Rose. "You look like Lady Liberty"

Sofi watched anxiously as the scene played out, keeping her eyes completely off Rafe- who was not centimetres away from her- and glued on JJ. Her concern, worry and confusion all rolled into one so instead she blurted out "Let go of him!" She didnt know if she was imagining it or did the crowd quiet as they set eyes on her, letting out a handful of gasps in astonishment.

JJ's eyes widened as they set on the blonde, he swallowed the massive lump in his throat and suddenly everything around him went quiet. Nothing else in the world mattered. Nothing else in the world was significant. She looked beautiful, the way her hair bounced over her shoulders, the way she stood tall and the way her eyes glistened in the light. His eyes stayed glued to her until he got pushed again, taking his mind of off her.

Sofi's dad chuckled bitterly and grind through his teeth "What are you doing?" Не whispered into her ear, his hot breath against her face but she ignored him.

"I'm a member of this club! I invited him here!" She yelled out as her dad grabbed her arm to pull her back from causing a scene.

In that moment JJ pushed the security guard back into a waiter holding some glasses the glass shattering and liquids pouring out. Another handful of gasps ran through the crowd as eveyone stepped back to avoid being caught up in the scene.

"Sof! Mandatory power hour at Rixons alright?" He called over the crowd before signalling at his friends. "Kie, Pope you as well"

"Sofi what the hell are you doing?" Her father shot as he pulled her back. She met eyes with
Rafe who was only about a metre away, giving
her a shocked, disbelieved, confused look.

Her lips parted to protest but instead she clammed her mouth shut, shook her arm out of her father's grasp and ran down the stairs towards the group.

"S- Sofi! " Rafe called out to her but she was already a long way gone, seeing Pope and and John B out of the corner of her eye, doing a celebratory handshake, and Kie and JJ infront of her. Jeez running in hills on grass was hard, but she ran straight towards the two before being pulled into a twirling hug from Kie.

She's not gonna lie, her legs were aiming for the blonde, but that would've caused a bigger scene, and there's no use adding more gas to the fire. Instead she ran by his side, all the way to the Twinkie before reaching Rixons Cove.


"Okay so i'm gonna be like disowned by the time I get home so what is this meeting about?" Sofi questioned as she took a seat around the warm fire, rubbing her hands together to warm herself up.

"Might as well tell her" JJ shrugged with a jutted bottom lip, grinning afterwards as he locked eyes on the girl, he couldn't help himself. She looked as gorgeous as ever.

"You ready for this?" John B softly spoke as he wiped his hands together after fiddling with the fire. Sofi nodded as she bit her bottom lip anxiously. "This is, um, this is pretty fucking mind blowing"

Her eyes widened "You're scaring me"

"So I talked to Scooter Grubbs" John B started, opening his mouth to continue but Sofi interrupted.

"Who's that?"

"He uh, he knew my- our dad" He stated, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Don't say that, it sounds weird" Sofi shook her head and looked down to the ground.

"Anyways I thought he had something to do with our moms disappearance. Someone left a letter in my mailbox, I don't know who or when but it showed up this morning. It was a letter from Mom, briefly explaining what happened"

"What did it say?" The blonde interrupted again but John B answered the question by pulling a piece of paper out from his backpack.

He explained while Sofi read over the letter. "Ward Cameron had something on our mom and she had something on him. She knew she didn't have the money to take him to court and with a lawyer, and basically everyone on the island in his palm, he would've won no problem. Whereas mom would've lost everything she worked for and everything she had, including us"

"So she bolted when she had the chance" Sofi finished, looking up from the letter.

"Exactly" John B pointed to her as the others looked around with widened eyes. "Scooter said he didn't know what they had on each other, but I have a feeling he knew more than he was letting on, something about money I think"

"What does the letter say?" JJ looked up curiously over the fire and towards Sofi.

Dear Sof and John

I haven't exactly been mother of the year but there's something I need to explain. I don't know if this letter will ever reach you but i'm hoping it does.

Ward Cameron has something on me, something that could tear our family apart, something that could put we away. Don't get frighten I promise it wasn't murder, I was doing it for you guys.

He's terribly in the wrong and deserves to go to jail for life. What he did is so unforgivable, so unbelievably torturous but writing it down would mean this letter becomes evidence.

I don't have the money to take him to court, but he has the money to send me to jail. I need to go.

Im sorry my babies, I never planned to leave this way. John Uncle T is going to take such great care in you, and Sof. Sof I promise you're going to a safe and loving home, they already see you as family and I know you'll fit in just well.

I love you my children, with all my heart, never forget it.

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