89.5 - [Special] Q&A with the Cast! (2)

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To celebrate Luminous approaching 900,000 reads and 5,000 followers,Director Jeida has (again) coerced the hapless cast of Luminous into hosting a Q&A session!

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To celebrate Luminous approaching 900,000 reads and 5,000 followers,
Director Jeida has (again) coerced the hapless cast of Luminous into hosting a Q&A session!

Heck, we even got the man, the myth, the legend...GILLIAN himself to join the panel this time, OOOOOOH HEEEEEELLL YEEEEEAAAAAAAH!

Please inundate the comment section of this chapter with ANY questions you might have. I'll also answer the few questions I haven't dealt with in the first Q&A (although the askers have probably long moved on from this story XD)

If you haven't read Luminous to the latest available chapter yet, do let me know (I sometimes can guess from your comment, as well)! I'll tailor the answer to you and protect you from spoilers if it was the last thing I'd do!

There is no limit to the number of questions per reader!

There is no time limit for submissions!

Topic suggestions:


Anything you want to know about the world and setting of Luminous.

(In case I haven't planned that far yet, I'll make it up on the spot.)

Explain please!

Anything unclear about the plot? The characters? Or my derivative pseudo-medieval culture? Or why in the three lands did Meya do whatever she did? Fire away!

What's gonna happen next?

In case they're major spoilers, I'll leave you with a cliffhanger ^^.

Talk to the cast

Ask them anything, and they will answer you themselves. Comment on their performance in the story so far. Or just give them some encouragement! They need them! Out-of-universe stuff also welcome!

The panel will consist of Meya, Coris, Arinel, Zier and Gillian, but feel free to shoot questions to the supporting and minor characters as well. The panel is more than happy to enlighten you (reads: wildly speculate and troll) on the matter if said character couldn't phone in fast enough to beat the speed of their combined imagination (or utter lack thereof).

About the author

Ask away, Harry m'boy. Ask awaaaaaay.

Questions about writing, tips, resources, etc.

I'm still by all means an amateur, but I'll answer you to the best of my ability!

Be sure to check out the answers to your questions, and let me know what you think!

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