The time I got expelled over a game of Uno

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Principal Sebastian: Thank you for making it on such short notice, Mr. Sun.

Y-You're daughter's out of control, this time, she might even be facing Jail Time!

Today in class, they were playing Uno, and your daughter got so mad at another student, she-she picked up a chair and hit her in the head and- and knocked her out!

DA!J: You're damn right I did, a-and I'd do it, again!

Principal Sebastian: *BONK*

S h u t  u p ,  d e l i n q u e n t .

W-Well, lemme- lemme explain the situation to your father.

DA!J: No, Principal Sebastian, YOU shut up and let me explain my own story!

*Turns to Sun*

Sorry, uhm..

So, we're playing Uno, right?

I was playing with Geneviève and this one guy.

Now, Geneviève was trying to impress this guy, right?

So, she skips me 4 times, eh, it's whatever, then she plays, it's about to be my turn, right?

 She plays a reverse, gets back to the boy, he reverses back to her.

I haven't- I haven't went in 5 turns now, keep in mind, um...

The she plays a draw 4 and I have to draw those 4 cards and...

Now, it's 6 times I haven't went..

Then, the boy plays a draw 2, Geneviève plays a draw 2, I have my own draw 2, so I play that.

It goes around for 2 more cycles...


So I picked up the chair, hit her upside the head with it, I wish it killed her, only knocked her out, but; give me whatever punishment I-I get, 'cause I stand by my decision!

(Credit to Dylan Zitkus)

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