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I woke up in the hospital days later.

My eyes were dry and irritable, my body ached from being stuck in the same position for so long. "Richie?" I croaked, glancing fearfully around in a panic when I couldn't see him. "Shh, you're okay" a female voice replied and I felt the touch of a hand pat my leg.

My mom and dad were sitting in armchairs beside the bed. "Where's Richie? I need him" I demanded. My parents exchanged anguished glances. "Adrien honey...Richie White is dead" the words echoed through my head. I suddenly remembered, remembered that awful day. The flashbacks hit me and I lost it.

I tugged at the wired machines, screaming and crying out his name. The doctor rushed in and saw the commotion, immediately doing everything she could to calm me down. "Hi Adrien, I know this is a lot to process but you mustn't get overwhelmed. Are you in any pain that I need to know about?"

"All over" I choked "But my heart hurts the most."

I didn't want to accept reality. Richie couldn't be gone. No, he was sitting in jail somewhere or hiding at the condo waiting for me. I blinked the hot tears out. "This can't be real, h-he's not gone," I sobbed into my hands. I had never in my life felt this much distress. It was all my fault. I was the one who stole the gun in the first place.

My parents muttered something between themselves. I overheard the name 'Doberman' and all I saw was red. "I hate that pig! He's a murderer! Our gun wasn't loaded" I screamed at the top of my lungs, disturbing the other patients in the ward but I was too hysterical to stop.

"It was an accident, a tragic, heartbreaking accident" Mom insisted.

I sat up, managing to speak through my sore, raspy voice. "Don't act as if you care about us now. You wanted to keep us apart" my icy gaze turned to my father "You're just as evil as Doberman. The lot of you. I don't ever want to see you again."

"I'm sorry this happened, Adrien. You're under a lot of stress right now, and anaesthesia. You don't know what you're talking about," he said. "You're the worst parents ever...Look at what you've done to me. How could you do this to me?"

Mom burst into tears shaking her head, Dad consoled her by holding her close.

"Mr and Mrs Walton, maybe it's best you leave for now. Adrien needs to keep her stress levels down and rest as much as she can" the doctor advised politely as possible. Mom argued that she didn't want to leave but Dad pulled her away carefully and I ignored her calling out my name.

I sniffled, wiping my eyes roughly and staring at the spotted hospital gown I was forced to wear, God it was so ugly. If Richie saw me dressed this way, he would've sniggered and made a sarcastic remark. The simple thought of him crushed my soul.

The doctor dipped in and out, checking on other patients too. I cried so much that I couldn't get a word in edgeways when she did have the time to check on me. I wondered where Carl was and how he was coping. They were best friends after all. He must've been just as devastated as I was.

Judy and Simon crossed my mind. I cried for them too, they didn't deserve this torture. Everyone in town constantly gossiped about the White family as if they were dirt. They were the sweetest, most humble family I'd met in this awful community of New Granada.

The doctor wouldn't discharge me without an adult's consent. I refused to see my parents, I told the doctor that I would scream if they came back and I meant it. "Is there anyone else that can pick you up, and take care of you?" She asked me calmly.

I nodded and told her Judy White.

She smiled and promised that she would contact Judy for me so I thanked her before she hurried out of the room.

The outburst drained the energy out of me. I didn't bother to eat the cold food that had been waiting on the table, I went to sleep instead. Well, I tried to anyway. The metal bed sure was cold and uncomfortable. Not forgetting that the sounds of the machines were a constant reminder of the traumatic experience that plagued my life.

My life. I didn't want to be alive anymore. Death would've been the easier option. I hated Doberman, hated him for killing Richie, but mostly, I hated him for not killing me too when he took my boyfriend's life.

Unable to sleep, I glared at the ceiling and couldn't help but scoff at my mom's comment. 'It was an accident.'

It was no accident, it was murder, what couldn't she understand? It was clear that the adults wouldn't take our side. They'd choose the word of a dirty, stinking rotten pig instead of the kids that were so attention deprived by their parents.

Whilst waiting, I was bored. Tired. Physically and mentally hurt. I wished my friends were there to cheer me up, to try and take my mind off things. I wanted my brother too. He'd know what to say. Then I winced. Richie wanted to meet my brother. Now he couldn't.

My hands balled into shaky fists and I couldn't do anything impulsive because Judy showed up with tears staining her rosy blushed cheeks. "Oh sweetheart," she choked, rushing over to me. We embraced in a hug, crying in each other's arms about our loss.

Soon enough, we were allowed to leave. Judy drove us to her apartment which had a sudden chill to it. "Are you sure you're comfortable here sweetheart? I can drive you home-" Judy began but I was settling in.

"I'm sure, I have to be here," I replied firmly.

Entering Richie's room waved heightened emotions over me. His belongings were untouched and his musty cologne smell hung in the air. I tried to hold in a violent sob but I couldn't contain myself. I crawled into his bed and cried into his pillow.

I didn't hear Simon walk in but he climbed on the bed and sat beside me. His smaller hands tapped my shoulder, catching my attention. "Oh hey Simon," I wiped my eyes, not wanting to seem weak in front of him. Judy could be heard talking on the phone from the living room.

He smiled sadly.

"I miss him," Simon suddenly hugged me. I rocked him in my arms, closing my eyes and breathing deeply to steady my jittery nerves.

"I miss him too."

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