New Moon Spin?

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A blond and brunette sat back watching a scene play out in front of them. One of them seemed in an endless void of despair and the other was scowling at all things around him. From their seats, two other thrones beside the center one. The other king, a ravenette was minutes from killing the human infront of him. The mate of a previously suicidal immortal that had come to the three of them to be killed.

A pixe haired immortal that accompanied the human to save her mate claimed that she too would become an immortal and that she herself would change the girl. She offered her hand to the ravenette king to show him what she had seen. The pixie haired vampire had forgotten of a similar scenario where she had offered a friend her hand to help her find someone she loved. That friend was no longer part of her life now.

The ravenette king greedily took the immortal girl's hand and saw the vision of the human but also saw so much more than that. He saw how that friend was accompanied by a previous member of their coven and how the person she was searching for was able to tame a wolf. Natural enemies on sight went straight to kill his greed for power consumed him for a moment but he kept it hidden with his smile. The raven-haired king was quick to see these two as assets.

Assets he must have in the coven that. He needed in the coven. To control their natural enemy, have an army of wolves. He must have them at his side. He sent the human girl and a pair of immortals away no longer caring about them. Making his way to his throne. He explained to the blond and brunette that were now beside him what he had seen and his plan of wanting to find at least one of these peculiar females. The blond was already on board with the idea immediately strategizing about possible outcomes as the brunette looked on staying out of the conversation.

He did not care for the outcome and could not understand why they would try to find someone like this. It seemed like a waste of effort to him but he understood if this strange immortal was capable of controlling their enemy it would be wise to stay on her good side. In the case where both of them had a coven as well it would become necessary to at least send a lookout. The three kings had never encountered a being much like this.

"Are we certain we can even find this woman? We would have heard by now if a coven of both shape shifters and immortals existed. It would attract a rather large amount of attention from both sides regardless of how large the coven is."

The revenant shook his head to the blond not bothering to attempt to persuade the brunette as previous times showed he never wavered. The raven thought for a moment back to the question the blond had asked: it was better to focus his attempts where they counted anyway. No that was incorrect, the vision he had seen showed him where they were and that area had a history of being annoyed by them. The woman was in Germany but where was the question?

"It looked like the two were somewhere near Füssen (ˈfʏsn) or possibly even the village of Schwangau (Sh-wang-Au)."

He had to be honest to himself they had not cared too much about the covens of the surrounding area but perhaps if they went personally that would change not to mention it would work as a good cover for their reasoning to be there. The problem was to keep a light amount of people with them as to not draw too much attention but stay well protected at the same time would be difficult. Coming out of his thoughts he listened to the blond speaking.

"We will have to take Demetri for his tracking ability. The area from Germany's Neuschwanstein (New-chen-stine) castle to Hohenschwangau (Ho-hen-sh-wang-Au) is of no laughing matter. That is if we are to travel like humans."

The raven nodded in agreement. That area is not only a large place to cover in human speed but small towns like those know foreigners when they spot one. Someone that has been able to be well hidden from them. For who knows how long certainly knew the land well not to mention got along with the people well enough to be trusted. They had loose ties with the covens of that country; the blond did not know if they would be attacked or not.

"We will have to take the twins Jane and Alec...Felix might be useful as well. His strength would be helpful in any situation but his size may draw attention."

The blonds eyebrows scrunched together this was getting to be stressful. His scowl became more defined, it would be nice to have a map of the land that would come in handy. He would have to start on that once this conversation was over.

"Did you get a name?"

The blond and ravenette snapped to the sound of the brunette's voice, surprised that he was even there still. His interest in everything left once his smile did. The raventte was the first one to snap out of the surprised state the two were in. His face still held that same uninterested expression as always but he did want to know something. It was not much but it was a start nevertheless.

"Y-yes, I got both names. It appeared they were siblings. One is Desdemona. That was who they were searching for in the memory. The woman we are looking for is named Emmeline. What did you want the information for Fratello?"

The brunette man fell silent once more only nodding as he kept the names in his mind. If he was going to be forced to go he could at least see what he could find. Those names must mean something. Choosing a name for eternity without wanting it to be something meaningful is not likely. Perhaps he could learn something about the two while his siblings are busy. It could also be a nice pass time and a great excuse to not do paperwork.

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