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Emmeline stirred awake stretching her arms out as a few cracks were heard from her tense muscles finally moving she atempted to sit up yawning as she rubbed the grogginess from her lidded eyes she found she was restrained by someone turning over to see who was holding her she was pleasantly surprised to find Marcus beside her.

"I do hope I am not overstepping any of your boundaries mia cara.” (my dear)

She wrapped her arms around his waist not caring about the matter. Marcus hugged her back understanding that she was not upset about his intrusion into her quarters. Comforting her as she tried her hardest to not cry he traced circles around her back patiently waiting for her to be ready to start the day. Sadly they both failed to hear the small footsteps approaching the room. The loud slam from the door to Emmeline's room suddenly being opened harshly set her off into a hissing fit throwing the knife she kept well hidden below her pillow flying to the door. Luckily Desdemona was not alone and a surprised Caius' attempt to catch the knife ended with it in his hand.

“Götter Emmeline I know you can be skittish but seriously you nearly took my eye out.” (gods)

Desdemona had grabbed Caius arm believing the blade was still going to hit her witch was half right in the sense that he was not able to hold his arm from moving back into her. Marcus was staring in shock at his mate realizing if he had startled her it could have been his end as his head could have been fairly easily removed. The redhead flopped back onto her bed pulling the covers above her head before snuggling into Marcus' side once more. Desdemona moved over to her closet hell would freeze over before she allowed her sibling to stay in for the entirety of the day. She looked over her shoulder to her hopefully future brother in law with a sweet smile on her face looking through the closet she looked for the dress that matched with her own luckily Emmeline would not need to wear a corset today as desdemona had chosen a simple summer outfit perhaps just a coat knowing her sister she would most likely ware one she always find a way to.

“I would have– beaten Caius if– he could not do– such a simple task.”

Marcus chuckled hearing this he could only imagine the sight of his soul sibling finally finding his match in a fight. Desdemona has more than likely already proved she could beat him in wordplay seeing how he chooses to just support what she says instead of contradicting her. Caius had taken up the ruby loveseat and had his personal sketchbook out which he tended to take with him from time to time on business trips. All the while Desdemona ushered Marcus out of her way to get her still slightly upset sibling out of bed ripping the covers off her after she ensured Marcus was out of the way.

“Get up Emme we still have things to do. Last I checked you said something about new training that I must endure.”

Emmeline in return growled peering out from under the pillow she had smothered herself with. Sitting up she looked her sister in the eyes before taking in what she was wearing before shaking her head and getting up. Making her way without a word she took the dress her sister had picked out for her and hung it back onto its respective place. She moved over to a drawer and picking out a pair of work out pants and crop top she looked to her sister expectantly. Desdemona was not one that actually liked wearing appropriate clothing when it came to training but due to her bringing up the topic she was now going to deal with it.

“Unless you plan on flashing– the entirety of the guard– you are dressing accordingly.”

Caius snapped his pencil in half the thought of his mate... quickly shutting his book he stared at his mate with a similarly expectant look as Emmeline but with more dramatics as his eyes were of saucers taking on an appearance of surprise. Marcus let out a small chuckle at the sean playing out before him shaking his head slightly with closed eyes. Emmeline went ahead and directed her younger sibling out of her quarters and Caius followed them to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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