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“Ya overstepped ‘er boundaries, didn't ya?”

A smooth southern English accent rang in Aro’s ears, causing him to snap his head sharply in the direction of the voice he had yet to hear throughout the castle. Before him there stood a young sunkissed boy with ginger hair and bright amber eyes he was dressed in a sort of butlers uniform with a lavender bow tie instead of the black tie that one would where. White gloves that were similar to those he had previously seen on Elijah signifying he was close to the two females as no one else had them, yet as Aro stared on at the boy his confusion only worsened. Who was this young man and who was he to engaging in a conversation so casually with a guest? What was his status in here that he was even allowed in this section of the castle. Going around he did not fail to notice that most of the people here were not allowed in the west wing.

“Right my apologies I forgot ya’ve only got to see me on all fours.”

With a showman-like bow leaving him open to decapitation he only moved his head up to keep eye contact with Aro, his smile leaving a trickster like glint in his eyes. Swiftly standing up right and taking a bold step into the room, without permission he sat down motioning for the revenant of the two to join him before continue his little self introduction speech.

"I’m Anthony. Ya know. The tat wolf who follows young miss desdemona around?”

Suddenly it clicked in Aro’s mind having nearly completely forgotten about the existence of the little creature. The ginger hair matches with the ginger fur. The swift strides of the four-legged animal matching that of man in front of him, even the glint in his eyes was the same as when he was in the form of his natural enemy this helped in changing his attention and mood, as now the boy is standing before him when he should be at the mercy of his curse.

“Ah before ya question. My shift is reversed. That yer full moon is my break from all fours.”

Aro nodded taking in the information he had rejected in petting the wolf back in when he was comforting Marcus in Emmeline’s study and was now starting to question if that was a wise choice on his part. He finally moved to take a seat across from the young male not falling to notice the similarity in heartbeat and breathing to his and his siblings mates as well as his own. Anthony knew that what he was doing could lead to him getting killed by miss Emmeline and the possibility of never seeing Miss Desdemona again did register in his mind. It hurt him very much to make this risky decision but his lady wants her to give them a chance. This morron has made a very bad move and now he needs help getting out of a possible checkmate situation.

“I’m willin’ a help ya but try not to let ol miss Line get in yer head for me. I prefer her not thinkin’ I’m commitin' treason on behalf of her little sister.”

It took a minute for him to register what the boy had ment but he understood recalling Snatch and its wide range of possibilities. She had chosen not to use its variants on him even when he had hurt her in such a manner all she did was slap him and even in doing so she had not used some kind of block from letting him into her mind. He took a hold of his hair, stressfully pulling at it slightly angry at how blind he was. She was still being kind to him, respecting him, giving him the initiative to make the correct choice of actions and he still messed it up. Anthony took pity on the sean in front of him the man really did regret whatever he did to miss Emmeline. Aro felt a tug on his sleeve causing him to look up at the smaller boy only to see his ungloved hand being offered to him.

“Whether you foke means it or not ya’ll bring ‘em emotions out of her. Where grateful for that.”

Aro went ahead and took the boy's hand entering his mind. It was overwhelmingly depressing he saw how Emmeline had taken in the boy and he had imprinted on Desdemona but upon the girl gaining her memories it faded their bond had broken he was enraged with Emmeline having blamed her. There was even a point where he thought to kill the red haired woman but it was quickly gone with the understanding that she saw him fit due to his honesty and loyalty to the revenant they made a deal she introduced them to Elijha. Aro saw that he was still making it seem like they were romantically involved with each other.

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