Day Out

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The young revenant and red head were hedging into town they were dressed quite casual for how long they have lived a black dress with night blue accents she wore hazel contacts as her eyes were more on the lighter side the fire haired woman could not get eyes off her though she could care less on the matter but the pale beauty with blackest night hair wore the exact opposite of the red haired woman a pale powder blue with white black contacts to hide her hellish red eyes yes this was the look for the maiden.

There choices in color made them look stunning to anyone that past by and caught a glance of the two though you could not help but notice how they always wore something similar to each other as if one got lost in the small village the other will be able to find them immediately just look for your opposite but then there was that shadow in black that always followed the two a man with long maroon hair braided and stilled to complement his features he wore something to coordinate with his two ladies that he was always with.

A black coat with black dress pants a white button down that accented his pale features with white gloves and a hat securely fastened with hair pins to not reveal what he was to the world as unlike his two masters his skin would betray him and reflect the late sun like diamonds.

They would never forgive him and he would lose his head in an instant to the fire haired woman that he adored. She had been through so much he could not allow himself to slip up and hurt her like that then again a certain ginger furred K-9 would not allow it to be anyway that little shape shifter may be trapped as the wolf you see now but having been rejected by his own blood and people only to be helped by the two females he would die before anything were to happen to them.

Even if it meant killing his now only male friend natural enemies brought together by the single purpose to protect the two females they love that they could never have it hurt them both knowing that fact but they would not let that stop them from caring for them.

Quickly they understood that if they were to help the two they had to help each other in assuring safety for the them so now the loyal dog and the demonic shadow work together in order to protect and serve their mistresses.

The group walked through town virtually unfazed by anything the redhead had lived significantly longer than the revenant dew to her inability to be decapitated alas the revenant had a different story having missed a total of 2,000 years before her rebirth a little before the Georgian Era had come to an end. Hears a math problem:

If the lady in black was around to see the rise of Rome 625 BC and help with the Visigoths' evasion of Rome to get her original revenant back from Athens 410 AD, how long has she been around for? Keep in mind this still is not the exact age of the red head woman but it is a close number for the seemingly in her 20’s.

The strangely mixed group moved through the town virtually uncared for by civilians as they had gotten used to the strange group of four though they did not know the new group though tourists do come through quite often they did not have the air about them. One of the townsfolk came up to four with a photo of the peculiar group of foreigners. The woman with the red hair immediately recognized the pendant on one of the foreigners.

The beauty in white went ahead and spoke to the civilian trying to ease some more information as the maroon haired man went to his mistress feeling her uneasiness. He looked at the photo and recognized one of the men as his previous master, a blond with pale skin and red eyes.

“Italienische Unsterbliche.(Italian immortals)”

He had growled out just low enough so the civilian would not hear him. A sharp pain was suddenly inflicted upon his face as cracks appeared in the area he understood his mistake even though the civilian did not hear him that was to out in the open for him to have said like that both his previous master and his mistress had the same temper when it came to speaking of what they were in the open.

Eventually the citizen left them and they were informed on where the Italiener were and where they seemed to be heading as well as what they were wearing. Such a small town world travels fast. It would be bad if the shape shifters got involved, they had to cut both parties off and hope that the little green ribbon signifying the deal they had with them would allow these people to be in their home four versus three pacts was nowhere near a fare fight even if the Italiener were to join in the fight.

The group of four knew enough to understand that they did have a bit of time on their hands to come up with a plan of action to avoid unnecessary deaths as the shifters and them had the green ribbon. Neither side was to harm one another unless the other broke away from the deal.

We will protect our lands and what is on it you people stay on your side we stay on ours if not don’t expect that person to live long; we can agree with this but only if your people can agree to the same conditions you have given us you hurt one of a were own without reason or are on our side we will not show mercy.

The vivid memory of that agreement hunted her mind the revenant could berly handle how many times she had to create a ribbon for each member of the pacts the poor pale beauty had practically passed out the moment the opportunity presented itself exhaustion having racked her body the red headed woman truly felt accountable for having to ask so much of her Der Schatz (treasure) she had felt the exhaustion through the ribbon tying them together but had to have her continue for the sake of protecting them in the future.

The group of four had gathered in a small cot to get started on planning how to cut off the Italiener before they might get in trouble. In this case apologizing would be better than asking for permission.

Hear you go my dears enjoy

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